Started by Blink, September 24, 2009, 10:49:02 PM

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Quote from: GoldPlatedDish
My two cents:
Master: I guess it's still a quest for level 999
Rounds: What a weird name, will it be a quest for level 9999?
Konoha: What a weird idea, to name a TGM mode after the Naruto village
Master World is a mode where you play for score -- sort of like Marathon. Master Classic is a time attack/survival/tetris mode as usual. We have no idea about Rounds, but I doubt it goes as far as 9999.

Konoha means "leaf" in Japanese, by the way. It in no way originates from Naruto. :v
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Here's a TGM4 gameplay video:


My god, this really looks girly-girly...the previous games look like stern and unforgiving bouncers next to that TGM4...but combining those bouncers' gameplay with a girly-girly look...oh well, I guess there's nothing the Japanese can't do
But why did it stop at level 1276? And why are S and Z absent in this BIG mode?

EDIT: Now that I've payed closer attention to this gameplay video (and went past the girly-girly theme), I see a small animal appear by the level counter each time there's a Bravo occasion...does that mean that TGM4 has Bravo detection?


It ended because the timer expired. to get more time, you have to make bravos.

and the S and Z do not exist in this mode.