How long did it take you to learn finesse?

Started by FireTstar, April 18, 2014, 09:57:13 AM

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I learned finesse in a day, managed to memorize every orientation for every piece but still I haven't mastered finesse (consistently get 0 errors) yet, and it's been almost 2 months

How about you guys?

First game first day learning finesse 2/22/14
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Last game first day learning finesse 2/22/14
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Tetris Friends: FireTstar_ (on most)

NullpoMino, Tetris Online Poland, and Cultris II: Inferno (on sometimes)

Short Term Goals: Sub 35, piece preview

Long Term Goals: Sub 30, APM and LPM 50+, learn perfect clears, master T-Spins, 0 finesse errors (consistentl


Two weeks to get comfortable with full 2-step. A month before I was at my prior speed again.


with a sticky note taped onto my laptop, it took me 1week to recover and I started climbing up the stairs of LPM for a good 2months before I plateaued.


It took around 5 years for me to start practising it, then it only took a week or to learn it...I have played for 2-3 years.


I just read the wiki, then forgot about it and played multiplayer....
Forced-learnt finesse fails when you are downstacking or you have a messy field.


Quote from: officegunner
I just read the wiki, then forgot about it and played multiplayer....
Forced-learnt finesse fails when you are downstacking or you have a messy field.

finesse works for me in tetris with several previews despite the messy field, but i dont move fine in cultris because i can't plan ahead


definately playing with full finesse is an art ..

However in realistic ffa situation pro's make mistakes, alot of em all of time and to fix em you will break finesse alot aswell. Knowing perfect finesse definately helps but i want to point out some really really good players dont even 2 ways rotate

I love finesse training too! I know all movements but im little slow^^


Quote from: officegunner
Forced-learnt finesse fails when you are downstacking or you have a messy field.

I haven't found that to be true. However, 2-step can be interfered with when playing near the top. For example, your piece is at row 19/20 but there are minos that height along the very sides of the playfield.


Quote from: caffeine
I haven't found that to be true. However, 2-step can be interfered with when playing near the top. For example, your piece is at row 19/20 but there are minos that height along the very sides of the playfield.

Also, when there's an l pieces on the side at height 16/20 or greater


I only recall this situation in CultrisII, but it could be useful for any other game too.

I vsed ppl with 60 apm or greater and topped out cuz i md'ed near the top. Those moments can be instantaneous, seemingly.

No one would place an l like that unless it is in C2, cuz of the unpredictable, and therefore memory-less, pieces.