Perfect Clear

Started by Snadbad, October 12, 2009, 04:30:23 PM

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Hey guys, I was doing the new mission for today when I came upon this one person who utilized a 'Perfect Clear' against me. Her screen when green, flashed perfect clear, her lines sent upped by 10... and unfortunately, my garbage did too. Does anybody know what this is?

Edit: I just pulled one off by clearing all pieces on the field... narrowly winning the game. I guess that's what it is. And it did indeed, grant me 10 more lines sent.


A perfect clear (aka bravo or all line clear) is when someone completely clears their entire field leaving no blocks.  

Here is geroppa doing it a bunch of times:

In some multiplayer games it adds nothing, in others it adds 8 or 10.


I don't see how its possible to do so many, I have only done it unintentionally


Yeah, it's hard.  You really have to pay attention to your piece previews to pull them off.  I think if you've done the puzzles in TDS it might be more obvious how to do some of them too.

If you want to play like a Tetris god, play T Party beginner's Tetris.  It's easy to pull off All Clear after All Clear with the easy pieces.  With the harder pieces, every bag of pieces is exactly the number you need to do a Tetris All Clear, so as long as you don't get screwed with certain piece orders you can do a Tetris All Clear with almost every bag.



Quote from: Blink

Here is geroppa doing it a bunch of times:


wow.. geroppa is amazing damm