
Started by Chaezy, October 09, 2009, 08:21:34 PM

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Hey everybody, I'm Chaezy. I'm 13 years old and a freshman in high school. I started playing Tetris in 5th grade, when my aunt gave me Tetris DS for Christmas. I finally managed to clear 200 lines during the summer of that year. After that, I got up, did a few victory laps around the room and put Tetris DS back in it's case and moved onto different games.

Recently - around a week ago - I discovered that you could play Tetris online, and that's all I've been doing since then. My favorite type of Tetris game is Ultra.

I rely on pure instinct and speed while playing, a habit I hope to (hard) drop.

My passions are Korean hip hop and DJing.

Nice to meet all of you


Nice to meet you also! I also rely on speed and instinct, though i have began to notice patterns in the first twenty or so pieces, most of which I have certain layouts for.


Welcome to HardDrop. Enjoy your stay. Most of the people here are knowledgeable and friendly.


Hi I'm Darcey, I've been playing tetris for forever.

Im in college, and I'm currently a working artist.

I turned 19 today, and I really need to get to bed so I can partay tomorrow.

Just wanted to introduce myself.


Quote from: CalebCCi have began to notice patterns in the first twenty or so pieces, most of which I have certain layouts for.
Have you noticed something about the first 21 pieces when you look at them as three groups of seven?


Quote from: tepples
Have you noticed something about the first 21 pieces when you look at them as three groups of seven?
That was certainly an interesting read.  I'll have to start watching for that a bit more to see if I can use it to improve my game a bit.
"Not all who wander are lost."  -J.R.R. Tolkien


Didn't know about that before. hhmmmm, interesting. I shall consider this more frequently.