
Started by MzSlowmo, October 07, 2009, 04:23:02 PM

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don't start any trouble corr, get your name changed and stop talking so much trash


being passionate aint excuse for being a little b****. if you're so passionate go cut yourself or shove a S shaped dildo up your a** or whatever it is you gotta do in your messed up head to appease the tetris gods. don't take it out on people that are simply playing the game. that's just a b**** move.
Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*



LOL Uh this isn't fu**ing martial arts its a stupid computer game. I will act and say whatever I want because its the fu**ing internet. There is nothing "b****" about it. Yeah I'm slightly passionate because I'm good as f*** at tetris by now. You judge me on one random screenshot and assume I always get mad and cuss out the opponent when I lose. That is not the case. Say what you want dumbass, you don't know me.

And caffeine would agree with me that sh**-talk is normal and makes things more fun. You're all a bunch of uptight douchebag nerds. No surprise of course.

P.S. Shizi I would love to have a screenshot of when you threw a huge fu**ing tantrum at Blade that one time he destroyed you 1v1. Hypocritical piece of sh**.  <- "enough said"
"Put some stank on those blocks."


im really competitive too and i hate losing. but i dont do it every single time.. only when i get frustrated with myself. nice try though
now go practice tspins and quit bitching and moaning... slowmo put you in your place


vent your anger at tetris friends and bring some of those players to blockbox!


Quote from: meow
vent your anger at tetris friends and bring some of those players to blockbox!

but your avatar....
Monte: you scared of the rookie of the year
Digital: sigh, I'm soooo scared
Digital: *digital pees in his pants*


Quote from: Corrosive
I don't whine too much or take things to seriously.

What isn't shown in the screenshot is the other half of the conversation where he explained the whole garbage system to me about how i was getting harder garbage while he was getting easy garbage. That was before i understood how the garbage worked, so of course i would be pissed and upset at losing when i am busting my a** and he still wins. I told him about bb and he came on and since then we've even talked on xboxlive and stuff. He goes by 'komodo' or something. But I didn't understand the bullshit garbage system so i blamed his t-spins for the reason I was losing. Why he came in and posted this screenshot I don't know. He's a chump.

I actually e-mailed TF support to change my name to HD_Corrosive like 3 or 4 times but they havent done it, but thats ok because i like to talk sh** and it is probably perferrably that i make TC look bad rather than HD so I will keep my name as it is.

Don't judge me sayin I'm a bad sport or a whiner. I do normally get upset when I lose and thats what separates me from you clowns because you don't have as much of a passion to improve and be better than everyone else. Suck it haters.

uh dude.... i'm not lost and thats a screenshot of him not me... I never explained to you about the garbage system cause i was still new to the computer online experience as i'm used to console tetris.  And btw i didn't beat you with tspins, i beat you with tetrises LMAO. but i dont take TF seriously as i would with Tetris Splash. So try to get the right person this time corrosive lol.


naw you lie.. i know who i was talking to. you definitely told me that you go by kodomo but you go by l0st on tf for whatever reason. you only beat me because the garbage system is whack. you arent good. i can overwhelm you with tetrises easy cause im faster than you.

you say you arent him but then you say why you beat me? way to contradict yourself? idiot.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: Corrosive
naw you lie.. i know who i was talking to. you definitely told me that you go by kodomo but you go by l0st on tf for whatever reason. you only beat me because the garbage system is whack. you arent good. i can overwhelm you with tetrises easy cause im faster than you.

you say you arent him but then you say why you beat me? way to contradict yourself? idiot.

ARE YOU F****** SH****G ME?! WTF IS your problem? i never said i had a second account on TF. i asked what's your gamertag on xbox live? I also said my gamertag was A1R GEAR on xbl and as you can see, im still on your freaking friends list. how f***** dare you of accusing me of being someone i'm not without any freaking proof. OMFG  dude wtf is up with you? your freaking messed up, accusing people that have ABSOLUTELY have nothing to do with this in this situation. I dont even talk that much on TF or in HD.
p.s i wouldnt be so pissed off at this situation of me being accused of something i havent done at all.
WOW dude. WOW. man your messed up
I cant believe this s*** at all.


ahh f***in delete this thread already sh**. i cant keep up with you tf f***ers, ive told 2 or 3 of you to come to bb and i thought you did. i dont exactly remember how the convo ended with l0st. i thought i told him about bb then he came on and then gave me his gamertag.

fu**ing slowmo for posting this screenshot. so uncalled for
"Put some stank on those blocks."


wtf . f*** you chad all i wanted to know who lost was. that picture was giving to me. everyone act like its fu**ing knew the way u act. wow big fu**ing deal. yes this thread needs to go because i still didnt get my answer . theres no more point for the sh**
