Any tetris games with special powers?

Started by KeroKai, January 26, 2011, 01:19:25 PM

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You disappoint me. Your name is KeroKai but you don't even know the best tetris game ever.
☠ massi4h


Quote from: massi4h
You disappoint me. Your name is KeroKai but you don't even know the best tetris game ever.



Quote from: massi4h
You disappoint me. Your name is KeroKai but you don't even know the best tetris game ever.
I bought it. It should ship in a few days.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


Damn what a beast. I shamefully obtained it in a different way.
☠ massi4h


So I thought I'd upload a video of me playing against the computer at level 5 speed. This game is hard without all the rotations...

Highlights are at:

1:08 - Death [Favourite ability]
2:45 - How dare it steal from me...
3:40 - This is where I'm totally screwed...
3:46 - Only kidding

5:18 - Can't be lucky twice. >.<
8:10 - Ability backfired... =.=
8:40 - No chance in hell now.
9:04 - This is where I just lose.



I have a simple never fail computer beating strategy.

It's called don't let the computer get orbs.

Orbs are introduced every 5 pieces (or less depending on settings) liek clockwork. So make sure you time your placements well and you will get all the orbs.

If the computer does have an orb piece on the screen, immediately hit attack before he can place it, popping it off his screen.

If you don't have an orb, then if you can, steal the orbs from the field (one character can do this, i forget who)

If you can't steal the orb from the field, steal it from the computers inventory. (pumpkin can do this)

If that fails, well, you might be screwed.

Pumpkin has one of the better one orb attack specials, as you can use it to send seven garbage over (combine it with a tetris!).  The used character has, of course, the best defense special for one orb, as it makes mincemeat of nearly any attack.