[TOJ] TP Points?

Started by TheHam, September 01, 2009, 06:57:15 PM

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Hi, I was wondering how the TP rewards are calculated?  I've seen people get last place and get +10, and I get first place and only get +4.  Anyone know?


the TP depends on how many players are in the room, the more players that are in the room, the more is given out.   I don't know the specifics.  Also, team games give out TP faster than non team games.


I use google translation.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Hi, I was wondering how the TP rewards are calculated? I've seen people get last place and get +10, and I get first place and only get +4. Anyone know?[/quote]
In that specific case the last place probably had a premium account.
You always gain TP how much depends on what place you got, how many people you KO'd and who you are playing against (I'm not sure about this one).
It's all about the love


Quote from: clincher
In that specific case the last place probably had a premium account.
You always gain TP how much depends on what place you got, how many people you KO'd and who you are playing against (I'm not sure about this one).

Huh, what do you mean by 'premium account'?
Are there different account types in TOJ?
If yes, is there any free ones?


Yes, everyone starts with a free account - the ones you get for signing up.  You can upgrade your account to premium by paying a fee, the benefit is that you can play all the singleplayer modes rather than waiting 1 day per mode, you gain TP faster than free accounts, a new singleplayer "dig mode", the ability to embed youtube/streaming videos on your blogs, and also I think you are given a bunch of TP to make your initial unlocks.


Quote from: Blink
Yes, everyone starts with a free account - the ones you get for signing up.  You can upgrade your account to premium by paying a fee, the benefit is that you can play all the singleplayer modes rather than waiting 1 day per mode, you gain TP faster than free accounts, a new singleplayer "dig mode", the ability to embed youtube/streaming videos on your blogs, and also I think you are given a bunch of TP to make your initial unlocks.

Waiting 1 day per 1P mode...does that mean that, on a given day, mode X is available while mode Y isn't?
Is it a 1-time fee? How much (in JPY/USD/CAD)
If not, what's the payment frequency (weekly, monthly, yearly)? How much?
Are there other things that can only be unlocked with cold hard cash? If yes, what are they and how much?

Sorry for all the questions, I know I'm such a bother...curiosity killed the cat, they say


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Waiting 1 day per 1P mode...does that mean that, on a given day, mode X is available while mode Y isn't?
Is it a 1-time fee? How much (in JPY/USD/CAD)
If not, what's the payment frequency (weekly, monthly, yearly)? How much?
Are there other things that can only be unlocked with cold hard cash? If yes, what are they and how much?[/quote]
Nobody know the answer to this?
What a shame
It's all about the love


The TP calculations is:

1 TP per player ranked equal or lower than you (including yourself, and your teammate if it's a team battle); 5 TP per if you're a premium member.
1 TP per KO you score.

Premium membership is a subscription, 315 yen (300 yen + 15 yen tax) per month. You can also buy 30, 90, or 180-day memberships, at 315 yen per 30 days. There's also an option to spend 1,000 TP for 24 hours of premium member access.


Quote from: Poochy
1 TP per player ranked equal or lower than you (including yourself, and your teammate if it's a team battle)
how many per player that's better than you?


Quote from: jujube
how many per player that's better than you?


maybe i'm misunderstanding, but that doesn't make any sense. you don't earn any TP when you play better players than yourself?


No, you get 1 point for each player you placed above (5 if you get first in a 6P game) and 0 for each player who played above you (0 if you get 6th place in a 6P game)


oh ok, i thought he was talking about a player's level affecting what you earned.


Quote from: SecretSalamander
No, you get 1 point for each player you placed above (5 if you get first in a 6P game) and 0 for each player who played above you (0 if you get 6th place in a 6P game)
Actually you should get at least 1 TP for each game (if you're last place), and first place within 6 players gains you 6 base TP.
As a premium member, this base amount gets multiplied with 5.

In addition to that, you get a bonus amount of TP for every opponent you KO.
Both free and premium members get 1 TP for each KO in the game.

As for team matches:
You get 6 base TP (or 30 for premium) for first place,
4 TP (premium 20) for 2nd place,
2 TP (premium 10) for 3rd place.

No matter if you play with 4 players or with 6 (since you can't play teams with other numbers of players).

So if you want to farm some TP, become a premium member, grab a friend and do a 2v2 team match against the AI.

You won't get any TP when playing 1v1 against an AI player. (You just gain some Exp)

Oh, and in the 1v1 class you get 3 TP per win and 1 TP per loss iirc.

Edit: I think jujube saw the list at the bottom with the Lvs, but that is the amount of TP you earn when beating the Training mode on those Lv.