Team Match Challenges

Started by Blink, July 28, 2009, 11:20:36 PM

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Ready for war??  Deniax is about to implement a 2v2 team multiplayer FFA system soon with the next update, so I've started up this thread in anticipation.  Challenge other teams here, and feel free to post team match scores here.  You can use this to challenge teams for any game, including TOJ or TDS, so no matter what you're playing you can build your team's reputation here.


! Looking forward to this for sure.  Team Blockles ftw ahaha ;x


chyea IBI

looking for a real bb team though!


yay were signed up bring it bitchesss


To people in my team, I'll arrange some proper stuff when my work placement ends (so in two and a bit weeks). Maybe this weekend if I've got the time, but it's doubtful.

Also "2vs2 multiplayer FFA" is a contradiction. It's just 2vs2 4-player.




Teams should be assigned by the ranking on hdo or something. More fair.


Quote from: oliv

I suggest you to make a team tourney to spice things up a little bit.
Besides would it be possible to have the team mentioned on the forum, plus it would be cool if all members of the team were able to upload pics on the team gallery.

I'm still waiting for Deniax to fix the garbage distribution in VSX before i even try anything.  EDIT*  it looks like he has already !