Windows 7 vs Windows XP (control panel DAS)

Started by andy140, December 26, 2009, 02:25:57 PM

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I was wondering how to get windows 7 to feel the same way as windows XP. It seems like there's always a 100ms DAS even after I change the keyboard controls.

This happens in both TF but not BB. I set the DAS to 0 in TF and i still get a 100ms DAS. Is there anyway to fix this?


IINM TF uses their own DAS for the single player modes except for TFLive where it's adjustable. So does BB/Lockjaw/TOJ.

You won't be able to change the DAS by just using window's autorepeat as the games registers inputs differently.

I have no idea what older PC tetris games still respond to window's autorepeat speeds. @_@


sorry for not being clear i'm talking about in TF live i adjusted the DAS and it still has a 100ms delay even at 0ms. also what does INMM mean?


how do you know its 100ms?

If it's just feel less smooth, try desktop -> right click -> personalize -> windows 7 basic.
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you probably want to turn off desktop composition

I played with it on and the game lagged a LOT

easiest way: right click on your browser, Properties -> Compatibility -> Disable desktop composition

it's less hassle than changing the entire theme I think


Quote from: SecretSalamander
you probably want to turn off desktop composition

I played with it on and the game lagged a LOT

easiest way: right click on your browser, Properties -> Compatibility -> Disable desktop composition

it's less hassle than changing the entire theme I think

If you REALLY want to get the best performance, disable themes entirely.

- Go to Start Menu > Run
- Type in services.msc
- Scroll down to Themes and double click to enter the properties. Change the startup to manual or disabled.

**Alternatively, you can just highlight themes and click the little stop button at the top which will turn it off. See how you like it  


blah blah blah forget what I said in this post, if we are talking about TF live then whatever works works...


Quote from: YukiIjuinI have no idea what older PC tetris games still respond to window's autorepeat speeds. @_@
Very early versions of Lockjaw used Allegro autorepeat, which is based on that of the underlying operating system. I think I added proper autorepeat once I added support for key mapping around 0.05; someone will have to check the old LJ thread on to be sure. The early QBasic and Turbo C++ prototypes of my Carbon Engine (which eventually became TOD) also used OS DAS. And I guess plenty of JavaScript games still use OS DAS. I seem to remember Bricklayer (formerly Tetris Max) having an option for either OS DAS or faster DAS.

When I used to run Windows 3.1, I had this in autoexec.bat:
mode con rate=30 delay=1
Delay was in 250 ms units, and rate roughly corresponded to Hz but I'm not entirely sure.