Interview with Destiny

Started by Katatoniopeth, October 13, 2013, 06:25:03 AM

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Destiny, a great player within the community, who has won POTM 3 times!  Let's get to know more about Destiny!

Katatoniapeth: Do you have any goals you would like to accomplish in Tetris that you have not yet achieved?

Destiny: I would like to sub 30 before 2015 and also surpass a couple people who I've always thought were really good and unbeatable. (:

Katatoniapeth: Nicee, I believe in you ! Are any of the aforementioned people you want to surpass your rivals?

Destiny: I don't think I have rivals...

Katatoniapeth: Ah ok. What do you think it takes to become a professional Tetris player?

Destiny: In my opinion I think to be a pro Tetris player you need to have good spirit, always be positive. All the really pro Tetris players started from when they were really bad and they got be to be good through practice. If you constantly say you can't improve then you won't. To get to the "pro level," you should be a diverse player, have a unique play style and be decent on each Tetris client. If you play multiple clients that are a different format you'll improve faster. Ooooo also be good at explaining strategies and tactics to the rookie players as well as being able to understand where their thoughts are coming from. Sometimes they see the very broad idea that jumps into their minds straight away but there's always a more elaborate thought and tactic to it, such as, sometimes they are thinking that increasing the DAS will guarantee you'll be 50% faster but that won't work if your brain can't process the pieces fast enough ya know? TETRIS PROS ALSO MUST BE NICE TO THE AWESOME COMMUNITY OF HARDDROP

Katatoniapeth: Awesome response, I think that covers all ends, I also like the idea of the Pros being nice to newer players .

Katatoniapeth: I know you like Pokemon, are you excited about the new release of Pokemon X and Y, and are you planning on getting your hands on it?

Destiny: I am not really a Pokemon fanatic, I just like how it looks. Not really following what new things are coming out. I only enjoy watching it and playing some on my desktop when I shouldn't be playing League.

Katatoniapeth: Oh ok cool cool. Would you say you are a big fan of anime? and if so, what anime series/movies do you enjoy the most?

Destiny: I enjoy watching anime but I'm not one of those fans that goes to expos or whatever they're called and cosplay(cosplay people freak me out a little). I used to watch One piece, Bleach, Inuyasha, don't know when Naruto is going to end. I think those are all the Animes I've watched...

Katatoniapeth: Ahh that's cool, yeah Naruto has been going on for a really long time, hahahah.

Destiny: Way too long. ;( I just wanna skip the fillers and head straight to the action and watch the final fight.

Katatoniapeth: Hahahah I hear ya. What hobbies do you have, and what do you think you excel at the most?

Destiny: Ehhhh I play League, Tetris, read books whenever I can so my parents don't complain about me not studying. I try to find movies online that I might find interest in annnnnnd...I excel the most at sleeping!

Katatoniapeth: Lol, fair enough, good answer. Hate to play Devils advocate, but how are your studies going?

Destiny: You sound like a less annoying version of my mum. My studies are going fine except that I got a hard assignment in geography that actually requires me to think deep. The classes in highschool are way too long for my liking. I'm happy the geography teacher lets me eat in class if I'm hungry.

Katatoniapeth: Hahahaha, yeah I wish I could have ate in class at School! Good to hear things are fine. What is your favorite Tetris client and why. (be specific)

Destiny:: I don't really have a favorite since each has it's own problems that doesn't make it really enjoyable for me. TetrisFriends is nice because there are many people on anytime of the day so you can find people to play with. Since it hasn't been lagging for me, I can actually play it properly yaaay. It's too slow for my liking though. Nullpomino is fast which I like, however there aren't as many people on. I use to love TOP and play it all the time, after I took a break from it and went back to it, moving the minos became hard and felt laggy.  I hated Cultris II cause I couldn't play and it frustrated me that I could do so well on other clients but I crashed and burned in this one. I took a 3 month break from it and went back, I finally got to the same point that I was in the other clients! It's great that it helps you learn to downstack well and not rely on hold as often.

Katatoniapeth: Yeah I understand, I agree, there is no perfect Tetris Client, and I feel as if there was one, that it could help to unite the community.

Katatoniapeth: (moreso then it is)

Destiny:: !!! Yes!

Katatoniapeth: So for my last question, what do you feel is the most epic moment in Tetris history?

Destiny: KEROOOOOOOO SUBBBBBB 20!!!!! Or the genius who created Tetris which allowed the other historic moments happen.

Katatoniapeth: Yeah that is definitely the biggest milestone yet for Tetris. Well thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, it was fun!

Destiny: Thank you for the interview! (:


Dest you're such a pro  nice interview


No shoutout to destiny boo


Eeeeek i'm sorry Q_Q
HI estre
Thanks for the interview kata (:


destiny = inspiration and awesome tetris player  

edit 1 = had confidence in me


Thanks Estrelleta! And no problem Destiny, it was a fun interview.


Such deep! So variety! Much fast!


Best interview in the world.
I am #1 Destiny fan


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