
Started by m__, June 28, 2009, 08:01:41 AM

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well, I dropped the  cause I couldn't use it but I think I'm still me.
thanks for the site blink, I felt lost last week  

I'm mike, I got hooked on tetris playing nyet on my 80286, still love it 20+ years later.
watch out kids, you never get to old to play games (unless your arms fall off)

introduction:  i'm kinda private.. but here goes.

interests:  music + computers.  I used to do a lot of snow skiing (alpine) lived in alaska for many years because of this.   my back is now toast.

I do electronic music, have a few vinyl releases and used to DJ quite a bit, even got to travel around a little doing so.

I enjoyed my life while I was young, traveled a lot in a gypsy fashion and never settled 'till I hit 30.  at 36 most people guess my age to be 23 (might be the dread locks)
I work in software which means I spend half the day on internet forums



glad to see you here m_. don't feel bad about your age. somebody here is 100, but i can't remember who right now.


hmm...  turn quote off and it still quotes.

i don't mind my age jujube (is that ju-ju-be or ju-jube)

the only thing that sucks is the aches and pains.  they say it's not how old you are but how old you feel... i'm kinda hurtin' already


Quote from: m__
hmm...  turn quote off and it still quotes.

Been an issue with Invision PowerBoard for as long as I've been visiting forums that use the crap.


Quote from: m__
i don't mind my age jujube (is that ju-ju-be or ju-jube)
it's ju-ju-be.


m, I hate to tell you this, but you look older without your smiley face, heh, heh.