A proposal draft for a TetrisConcept x HardDrop merger.

Started by z-flo, June 29, 2009, 06:46:44 AM

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I mentioned awhile back that the intention of this site was to be a NEW seperate thing that wasn't meant to replace TC, so we arent going to merge guys.  I miss TC as much as you guys, but becoming a TC2 or the next TC wasnt what I had in mind, I want something different that will grow on its own.  If it doesn't work out then I fail but I'm willing to take the risk.


I'm with EnFuego on this one.  Sure, having two forums will split the community somewhat, but is that really a bad thing?  I believe the combined meta-community will be larger with two sites than if they were merged into one.  

New and existing members who are attracted to the social, Facebook-like aspects of HardDrop or who don't feel entirely comfortable with blatantly disregarding caffeine's wishes, no matter how inexplicable they are, will be happy posting here.  People who are pulled in by the depth of knowledge to be found on the old forums or appreciate continuity with the past will be happy posting at tetrisconcept.net.  

And I imagine there will be a large number of people who post at both, including new members.  It's not as if the two sites will be at war with each other.  It's only slightly different than having multiple sub-forums on the same site.  

I do think that HardDrop's wiki tab should point to the one on TC.net, though.


i'd like to see both sites succeed

personally, i HATE wikia... that site has commercial stuck on its face. i don't want to see everyone's writing end up on that site where it will make money for some random strangers


While Blink has officially-ish stated there will be no merger, for reference, here is the discussion as it stands over at TC.net:

Until everything changes, change everything.


HD is going to try to be successful as its own site, this was my goal from the start and I mentioned it alot of times over IRC before it was even completed.  Hopefully we can achieve this goal together, but yeah, as much as I miss TC there will be no merger.  Thread locked.