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Topics - Anonymous

Tetris / Re-holding pieces
February 25, 2018, 09:23:21 AM
In most Tetris clones today (or all clones as far as I know), for every piece, you can only hold one time, and then you're prevented from holding again until you place that piece.

Is this actually a good game mechanic to have?

The hold piece itself is useful and adds depth (allowing you to reorder pieces, save pieces, etc), but does only allowing you to hold one time per piece actually add strategy?

Whether you can only hold once, or multiple times, you have the same number of actions available (but in the first option you're limited). Only holding once doesn't add any more depth to the game, and it limits the player (but not in a good way).

The only negative is the ability for people to potentially "infinitely delay" (which I believe they can do with SRS rotations anyway).

For example, in single player marathon/TGM modes, I could see it being used as a way to "cheat" to give yourself time to think, because you could just constantly keep reholding your piece to give you more time.

However, in modes with garbage (and other modes where gravity doesn't increase), the current piece doesn't drop (or drops slowly), and you can't delay garbage indefinitely anyway (because most games have a max delay timer before you receive automatically receive your incoming garbage).

Strategy/Help / Building Relatively Flat
August 07, 2012, 10:02:09 PM
Ahoy there mateys, I'm not sure if this needs pointing out, but when people (or at least me) say to stack "relatively flat", we mean that your stack should not look like this:


If your field looks like this (where the whole field is approximately level, but all jaggedy) then you're going to have a hard time placing pieces on the field.

On the other hand, I consider this to be relatively flat:


Here, even though your field isn't necessarily level, it's easy to stack on (using Piece Combinations

Of course ideally you'd just want a field that looks like this:


but you can't always get your field to look like this (and in fact rarely do).

Anyway, my point was that if you have to choose between making your stack "level and jaggedy" or "unlevel and relatively flat", then choose the unlevel and relatively flat because it's easier to fix.
Tetris / Hurry Up Garbage Idea
June 07, 2012, 11:43:24 PM
This might be stupid, but why does hurry up garbage have to be solid?

When the hurry up garbage timer goes into effect, why can't tennis garbage just rise (i.e. same as it is now; one line at a time, but the line rising makes tennis garbage (see fumen below))


As the games go on longer and longer, you can have the hurry up tennis garbage just rise up faster and faster.
This way it's not just a fight for who can stay at the bottom of their diggable field the longest and wait for the other player to top out; players can still get to the bottom if they're good enough downstackers.

It also has the added benefit (or I think of it as a benefit) that the players have more garbage to send to the opponent which will encourage the game to end sooner (which is the whole point of hurry up garbage isn't it?).

Or if tennis garbage adds unfairness because of the extra line sends, why not make the hurry up garbage 90% garbage?


If the garbage is 90%, then it adds a new dimension to the game (players need to be really good at downstacking messy garbage while also being effective at sending lines through T-spins, combos, etc) while not adding too much garbage for players to send to each other.


Actually I was talking to my brother, and getting hurry up tennis garbage might not work out completely as intended since your opponent also adds line to you. What happens if you receive 2 straight lines and then your opponent sends 1 line? Does it do something like this?


It might end up being okay though. The only way to know is to test it. I don't currently see anything wrong with 90% garbage though.
General / Help me save the Computer Science at UF
April 19, 2012, 06:34:39 PM
Hey friends, I know a bunch of you (or us) are computer science/computer engineering/that kind of stuff nerds, so I hope you will be sympathetic.

The University of Florida dean dun goofed and is trying to get rid of the CISE (computer information science engineering) department and merge it with the ECE (electrical and computer engineering) department (which is kind of dumb because CISE is software oriented and ECE is hardware oriented).

Even worse, to do this, she is going to fire about half the staff from the CISE department and move the other half to various random departments. She is also going to get rid of all CISE UF research and fire all TAs, which essentially removes the graduate program at UF.

Even more worse, she has already begun to fire faculty members and has already fired the head of the CISE department...

Anyway, I'm not asking for much, I just want you to sign this petition which takes like, less than a minute (left side of the site):

And if you want to know more, you can read about it here:

Thanks a lot guys!

UPDATE April 16, 2012

Today there was a pretty big rally in the middle of campus where everyone walks by. Probably about 400-500 people consisting of both students and faculty members showed up to the rally. Everyone was wearing "SAVE CISE" signs.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

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After the rally, all the students formed a giant chain around the CISE building chanting "Save CISE" and other various chants.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

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After that, we all walked to the dean's office (who is the one who proposed the budget cuts to the CISE department) and chanted some more. After a few minutes had passed, the secretary of the dean came out and everyone asked her questions about the future, but her questions were really hazy and didn't give anything concrete. Everyone was chanting for the dean to come out, but the secretary said that she was busy.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

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Note that in the second picture, there were more people across the road too.

Information update too:
Apparently the CISE department makes more money for UF than it costs to maintain the CISE department, so it doesn't really make any sense to merge the CISE department with the ECE department. However, the dean has been trying to merge the two departments for three years now. Each time there was a vote though, a large majority of the college chair members voted to not merge the two departments (votes were along the lines of like 37-0 and 36-1). Now that UF is trying to cut budgets, she says that she doesn't need anyone's approval to merge departments to cut budgets.

Also, the dean only opened up about a week (9 days) to discuss the situation, so after the week, the discussion for the merging will be closed, which is definitely not enough time. In fact, the announcement of this actually opened up on about April 11 last week, so discussion of the closing of the CISE department closes on Wednesday (that's 2 days).

One of the proposals the dean is making is moving the database facility to the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering... How does that even make any sense at all??!

There's a scheduled rally tomorrow to speak with the dean. I'll update more when I get more information.

UPDATE April 17, 2012
There was a big "Study In" in front of the dean's office as a protest against the budget cut proposal. Basically, tons of CISE students just sat outside of the dean's office and did their homework/whatever they wanted.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

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The final decision got extended to May 7th, so that's good, but there is still a long way to go.

The dean is being pretty snaky calling this a "restructuring" of the CISE and ECE department to mask the fact that it's going to effectively eliminate the CISE department.

She is also talking about how she's receiving lots of positive feedback from companies like Harris Corp and Lockheed Martin which apparently are more hardware oriented companies than software companies. But she doesn't say anything about the software side.

For instance, Google Public Relations sent her an email. Although it wasn't released to the public; it was most likely against her proposal though. Microsoft sent down a representative to express concerns to the dean. The CTO and co-founder of Grooveshark, Josh Greenberg, spoke against the proposal. Barr systems and a lot of other software companies and Universities spoke out against the proposal too.

Also, if anyone is wondering, we're doing more than just protesting. We're also trying to inform UF alumni, spread the news, get outside companies and Universities to oppose this, etc.
Strategy/Help / Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
September 23, 2011, 04:38:34 PM
Last edited:

January 29, 2013
- added Perfect Tetris
- Apoc's input
- Why you should learn this

Part 1
[spoiler]Hello all.

You may have seen or heard of me. But allow me tell you who I am anyways. I am anonymous, the best downstacker on all of Hard Drop!

Okay, that may not be 100% true. If you're judging by downstacking speed, Apocalypse is the best downstacker, but if you're judging by efficiency, then I am confident in saying that I am the best downstacker*!

*Only in terms of Blockbox. If you're not familiar with Blockbox. Basically, it's all completely messy garbage, and double sends 1 line, triple sends 2 lines, tetris sends 4 lines, and Back to Back also adds an extra line send (so B2B tetris sends 5 lines). Also, there are no spins and no combos.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

NOTE: This part is stuff about Blockbox strategy. If you don't want to read about Blockbox strategy, then skip down to the downstacking section, although I encourage you to read this part as it may give you some good insight into downstacking.

So before I begin, we should define what efficiency is. I determine efficiency in terms of three things:

- lines built up
- lines sent
- lines downstacked

The basic gist of my definition is lines built up vs lines sent and lines downstacked. I consider a line sent and a line downstacked to be of equal value (this isn't always true, but for simplification, they're of equal value).


Anyways, Here's a table showing the efficiency of all the different line clears. For efficiency, I did efficiency = (lines sent + lines downstacked) / lines built. In the table, I labeled back to back as b2b and garbage clears as g [line clear]. I realize that the math is slightly inaccurate since I didn't take into account the little block that goes into the garbage line, but a long time ago, I did the math and took into account the little block, and the results are pretty much the same, so bear with me.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

According to the table, the most efficient things you can do are (in this order):

1. garbage single
2. garbage double / garbage b2b tetris
3. garbage tetris
4. garbage triple
5. non garbage line clears

What does this tell us? None garbage line clears are bad, and theoretically, you should maximize garbage singles. Here is the most efficient game you can play:


Clearly, this situation is highly unlikely, and actually impossible to do with the bag system. Theoretically though, this placement is what you should be striving for.

Personally though, I don't try to follow this strategy. The above strategy is way too difficult to achieve.

The basis of my strategy is that every clear must include a garbage line. This means (theoretically) no regular singles, no regular doubles, triples or tetrises. You can only get garbage singles, garbage doubles, etc.

Going more in depth, my main strategy is to keep my field as clear as possible through garbage clears. If your field is clear, it's easy to stack on and easy to keep clear (or at least easier than if your field was jaggedy). So how do you keep your field clear? Getting garbage doubles! Garbage doubles are excellent for three reasons. They have the second highest efficiency, if you do them (right) they keep your field nice and clean which also allows you to get garbage singles, and you don't really have to look down your field so much. Here's a pretty typical dig race 10 lines game I play:

Sorry I don't know how to make previews on fumen


Of course, you won't always be able to get just garbage singles and doubles. Often times you'll have to get garbage triples, garbage tetrises, and even *shivers* regular singles, although these aren't necessarily bad things, just try to minimize them if you can.

My strategy is much better than the one above because my strategy, while difficult, is still achievable and efficient.

Anyways, I hope this has been insightful, or at least interesting for you. But, enough talk about Blockbox! You're here to learn how to downstack, not Blockbox strategy!

Why you should learn this (January 29, 2013)

I know there are some people who tell themselves, "Why do I want to learn how to play Blockbox style? I only play TF/Nullpomino/TOP/etc. I don't play Blockbox at all, and I don't plan on playing it. Blockbox garbage is too hard! I only need to get better at downstacking TF garbage, not Blockbox garbage."

To begin, don't say Blockbox garbage is too hard. It's not too hard! The problem is that you haven't put an effort into understanding downstacking. You play for a few hours, maybe even a few days and decide it's too hard. Instead of trying to learn how to downstack it, you scoff at it and say "why should I learn how to do it"? This is exactly the wrong mindset to have if you ever want to be a good player.

Instead of saying that "Blockbox is dumb" or "this is too hard", focus on the real truth. You're bad at downstacking. However, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being bad at downstacking because it means you have room for improvement. If you have the mindset that "downstacking is too hard" as opposed to "I am bad at downstacking", then you already have the idea that you can't be good at downstacking. However, if you think to yourself "I am bad at downstacking" then at least you understand that you can improve (In fact, this applies for a lot of things, not just downstacking).

Having said that, downstacking is very tough to learn and only few players properly learn to downstack. You don't get any tangible feedback that you're getting better at downstacking. But I can tell you that if you practice these techniques, then you will improve your downstacking.

Furthermore, think about the long run benefits. If you can learn to downstack this garbage, you can learn to downstack anything thrown at you in TF. Sure, when you start, you may struggle (a lot) with the garbage, but once you understand it, then it'll just become natural to you. Also, games like TF will become a lot easier for you.

Think about this. American Football players practice running with a parachute behind them so that they can run faster when they're in game. Tetris is no different. If you can downstack Blockbox garbage, then you can downstack anything on TF and Nullpo.
However, Blockbox teaches you more than just how to downstack. I can tell you that playing Blockbox has helped me become a better player in TOJ/TF/Nullpo in more ways than just becoming a good downstacker. Playing Blockbox has also helped me stack cleaner and flatter without needing to skim much, and it has helped me increase my combos.

Yes, playing Blockbox will greatly increase your downstacking ability, but it also increases your stacking ability as well. When you have 90% random garbage, you have to make lots of decisions, like where should I place my pieces so that I block the next garbage hole the least? What piece fits best in my garbage hole? What is my next garbage hole going to look like? Is the piece I need for the next garbage hole coming up or do I need to change what it looks like? A whole plethora of questions that require lots of analyzation in only brief moments. *

When you become good at these things, and you play TF and Nullpo, it really shows. Because TF/Nullpo's garbage isn't as messy, you don't have to worry as much about stacking over upcoming garbage holes, what piece you're going to need etc. The end result is that your stack becomes cleaner which allows you to build more T-spins, you can upstack faster, you have more time to think, and it allows you to downstack faster.

Furthermore, playing Blockbox style (or at least my style) is excellent for increasing your average combo. In my style, you basically are trying to turn all the singles and doubles you are getting into bigger line clears. For instance:

So how is this related to comboing? Well, comboing is just the exact opposite. Instead of turning singles and doubles into larger line clears, you're trying to turn those larger line clears into a lot more smaller line clears. In other words, comboing is just the exact opposite of my style.

It may seem paradoxical that I say playing my style has helped me combo better since they're pretty much opposites. However, the reality is, when you play my style, it gives you an excellent understanding of piece placement which can increase your combos by an extra one or two. This may not seem like a lot, but going from a combo 4 to a combo 6 sends an extra six lines (depending on what game you play), and if you consistently do this multiple times throughout the game, then you've increased your apm by 6-12 (or possibly more) depending on how much you do it.

Also, I know a lot of people will read this thread in hopes that there is some secret that makes you an incredible downstacking. But, I'm here to tell you that there is no secret to becoming a pro downstacker.

The only thing you can do is consciously practice playing efficiently (either my style or at the very least trying to use the least number of pieces). Playing normally is not enough. If you want to be good, you must actively train your mind to see the best ways to downstack.

* But keep in mind, Blockbox doesn't teach you how to do everything. Watching your opponent's field, choosing when you want to accept or cancel garbage, choosing when you should attack or when you should defend/play passively are skills you'll have to learn on your own when you play TF.

Downstacking Techniques

Here I'll be posting some general stuff on downstacking that helped me become the player I am today!

There are a few techniques I use when downstacking. The first technique, I showed in the first post. I'll call it the "Garbage Double Technique" If anyone can think of a better name, please give me one because I'm terrible at making names.

Garbage Double:
The basic premise is that you just get a bunch of garbage doubles, and you get garbage singles if you can. The main point of this is to keep your field clear and try to avoid any garbage Tetrises, garbage Triples, and most of all non garbage line clears. (Although to be honest, garbage Tetrises and garbage Triples are still good and I get them a lot) Anyways, garbage doubles are good because they keep your field clear so you can keep getting more garbage doubles. Since your field is clear, you can get more garbage singles, and the cycle of g goubles and g singles repeats (hopefully). Clear field means easy to stack on, which will allow you to do whatever you want. You can keep downstacking, or if you see your opponent is about to die, you can stack up, or you can make an easy t-spin, etc.

So how do you learn how to do this? I suggest you play dig race 10 lines and at the beginning of the game, try to get as many garbage doubles as you can. 18 lines and you'll feel pressured at the top, 5 lines isn't enough. You could also play dig challenge. Personally, I learned how to do this by practicing this at the beginning of every survivor game (or dig challenge if you play Nullpomino). People complain that the beginning part of survivor/dig challenge is too slow, but this is the perfect opportunity to attempt this. You can try getting garbage doubles at the beginning of the games and then when the game starts going fast, you just downstack regularly.

Here's an examples of me doing it.


I piece placement
Everyone knows that on games like Blockbox, the I piece is the most important piece there is. And, I completely agree, but for different reasons than most people.

Most people see I pieces as nothing more than something to make Tetrises. Some people see them as a way to alleviate bad stacking habits, like this:


But I pieces are useful for a wide variety of things, such as making Tetrises, or more importantly downstacking. Say what?! The I piece is good for downstacking? Yes! The I piece basically gives you one free line clear that can open up many options for you. For example, in my Specific Downstack section, the very first example uses an I piece to downstack.

Also, you should know that if you get that one free line clear, it should ONLY be used for garbage lines, and not lines that you built up. For instance, this is good:


This is bad:
Actually I can't think of a good situation. If I do, I'll put a fumen down, but for now, goo.

The I piece is also good if you have a messy field, having an I piece will allow you to stack up and fix your field. A lot of the time, players have a messy field, and then they stack up to fix their field, but they don't keep in mind to have an I piece, and they end up stacking 5-6 lines.

green lines denote stuff you've already built up.
I pieces are good for getting rid of excess pieces on your field too:


One thing you have to watch out for though, is stacking an I piece over a close by upcoming garbage hole that.


In conclusion, I pieces are the shiznit. They allow you to fix your messy fields, they let you clear excess pieces on your field so you can keep it clean, and in general it provides a lot of flexibility in downstacking.

Predicting your hole
Another fundamental downstacking technique is predicting your hole. In order to be a good downstacker, you have to know what your next garbage hole is going to look like. Here's an example:


As you can see, I know that the hole is going to need an I, L, or J piece, so I hold one of those pieces. And then I use it when the time comes!

To be pro, you also need to know how to change your hole. Obviously, you can't change where your next garbage hole is. But, you can change what you want your hole to look like, and what your next garbage hole is going to look like too. The second part of this sentence "what your next garbage hole is going to look like" is especially crucial. One mistake I see many people make is that they don't foresee what their next hole is going to look like. This is EXTREMELY important; not just in downstacking, but in creating prophecy t-spins and other advanced techniques. Here's some examples of me changing the garbage hole.

ugh, messed up the fumen. Frame 21 to 24, I only had 1 S piece, not 2 in a row.


Note that when I "change" the hole, I know exactly what I'm doing. I planned out that whole sequence in my head. I saw that I didn't have a good piece sequence to downstack through those holes, and I saw that if I put the S piece there, I would need a J piece. However, there was a J piece coming up in my preview so I changed the hole. After that, it's just a matter of filling in the rest of the field so I don't get any wasted singles and stuff.


In this game, I say that I have no upcoming T piece, and then a T piece comes along, but just pretend I didn't have a T piece coming up lol.

A lot of my technique is recognizing what shapes your garbage holes are going to form and holding the piece you need. Then once you have the piece you need, you just fill in the field so that you don't waste any lines with singles. And, if you have an unfavorable piece sequence, then you change the hole so that you do have a favorable piece sequence.

Stacking Flat Over Holes

When downstacking, the one thing everyone says is "don't stack over the holes". However, I think a better philosophy is "don't stack over the holes... but if you do, stack flat over the holes". Why do you stack flat over the next holes? So that when you clear your current garbage line, your next garbage hole is open.

Furthermore, if you have a flat stack over your next hole as opposed to just not stacking over holes, you'll have more ways to downstack the hole.


Here's an example of me stacking flat over holes


Downstacking Rhythm

Sometimes when you downstack, you have The Feeling. You're downstacking like a pro! You clear through 8 lines in 4 seconds! And then, suddenly you mess up and you lose your downstack mojo. I see this a lot when I watch people downstack. They downstack a few holes, and then they get stuck on one hole for a long time. You lose your rhythm, and then you either lose the game, or it takes you a while to recover back to your normal state.

So what causes players to lose this downstack mojo? There are two main situations: awkward stacks/piece placements, and having a block over your hole.

Block over your hole:

For example, here's a game of me playing dig race:

Notice how at some points I have a block over the hole. However, I fill in the rows until the single block over the hole is gone.

And here's a game where you downstack 4 lines and then have a block over your hole:


This is the kind of thing I was talking about at the beginning of the section. Many people downstack 4 holes and then they meet block over the hole and are temporarily setback. And then in those few moments, they lose a lot of position, time, or even the game.

So how do you stop this? Just fill in the rows so that you don't have a block over your hole. You can also think about it like this. However many blocks you have over that garbage hole, you have to clear that many lines. This is a very important concept, and when I finally understood this, I improved my downstacking skills a lot faster and became pro.


Also take note that I say "clear at least 3 lines or more". You can also build up one more line (so you've built up a total of 4 lines) and get a garbage Tetris, which is technically more efficient. But, for me, I'd rather not take the risk of building up excess lines which could make my stack uneven or possibly cause me to have to get a single, so I just get the garbage triple.

Vipjun pointed out to me that after he realized this, he could visualize his field a lot better. I'm not going to try to type out/explain our discussion because then you'll just get really confused, but hopefully this picture will be sufficient.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

This section also works well with "stacking flat over holes", so keep that in mind!


Knowing when to stack up

In general, you want to keep your field empty and clean, but there are times where keeping your stack low is bad. Specifically, whenever you reach garbage holes that are stacked, that means you need to start building up because when lines are next to eachother and on top of eachother, putting down pieces can block upcoming garbage holes. Like this:


When the holes are like this, you've got to start building up lines to plow through the garbage holes. If they're in a column of 2, then build a 2 column hole around them. If they're in a column of 3, then build a 3 column hole. If they're in 4 different columns, then it gets slightly more difficult. When they're in 4 column holes, then it's pretty much the same as 3 column, but with a slight twist which is confusing to explain, but hopefully you will see it in the fumen.



When I say "be cautious how many lines you build" in frame 15. I mean that however many garbage holes are stacked, that's how many lines you have to build up. So, in frame 15, within the 3 column well, you have 3 stacked holes, so you want to build up 3 lines. If you build up 4 lines, then you'll have one line left over which will cause you to get an unnecessary single.

Also, I realize I have a section in the "specific downstacking part", but this needed more analysis.

EDIT: I was playing a game of dig race 10 lines and did this:

Reversing holes

I can't believe I forgot this. It's so simple, but it's such a key concept to understand. Here is what hole reversing is/how to do it:


Notice the T can reverse both sides. This is one reason why the T piece is such a valuable piece. Not only does it fix jaggedy stacks and does t-spins; it also reverses your hole, which is essential when downstacking. T pieces have so much flexibility so it's important to hold T pieces whenever you can (I pieces too!).

It's important for you to see future situations where you need to reverse your hole. For instance, if you create a situation on the left side of the well in the fumen. When you clear the right side, you'll be left with a block over your garbage hole. So you need to reverse it. Depending on the orientation of the blocked hole, you can use a J or T, or a L or T.

Also, you should reverse the hole before you start clearing the lines. So in the fumen, I should reverse the left side before I get the Tetris (or whatever line clear) on the right. That way, I don't have to get a single later on.


A lot of people forget that L and J pieces can reverse holes too. For instance, in frame 1, a lot of people only see that the T can reverse the blocked hole. However, you need to see that you can use the T or L piece, since this effectively doubles the chance you get the piece you need so you can downstack quicker. (And you can save that T piece for something else like a T spin).

Hole reversing is an incredibly easy technique to understand, yet I see many people don't do it or aren't good at it. However, I definitely recommend learning it because it's such an easy concept to understand and learn and it can increase your downstacking and adding skill by a pretty good margin for such an easy technique.

Eventually when you start recognizing when you need to reverse holes, you can do advanced stuff like this:


Consecutive Downstacking

In an earlier section, I talked about what happens when you have holes stacked over each other. Well, sometimes, when the holes are  not stacked over each other (i.e. spread apart*), you can choose to downstack many holes (3-4) at once, and then turn the last garbage hole into a large line clear. This can be very efficient if you can get 3 garbage singles, and then a garbage Tetris. For instance:


*Actually you can almost always use Consecutive Downstacking, but it's a lot easier to do when the holes are spread apart.

What makes consecutive holes? Mainly, the first thing is that the holes are not stacked together. Even if the holes are spread relatively far, if two of the holes are stacked, or near stacked, you'll be in trouble if you're trying to downstack using Consecutive Downstacking (see frame 2). Then, the second thing to see is, how spread out are the holes. The more spread out the holes are, the easier it is to use Consecutive Downstacking, since spread out holes means you have more options to place your pieces (see frame 4).


There are two important aspects to do Consecutive Downstacking. The first important aspect is looking for spread holes, and then set a goal. If I see I can downstack consecutive garbage lines, then I'll set my goal to the 3rd, 4th, or 5th hole (or whatever the last hole I think I can reach is). After that, the other important thing behind downstacking consecutive holes is to not stack over future holes. Here's another example:


One hindrance to Consecutive Downstacking is that you can really only do it if your field is relatively clear. If you have a lot (or even a few) lines stacked up, then you won't be able to use this technique. But if you're using garbage doubles and the other techniques, then having a clear field isn't too difficult.

Learning to recognize when you can do this can take a while, but it can help a lot in games like TF where you rarely receive single lines of garbage, but when you do, the garbage comes in consecutive lines of 3-5 (because of combos and doubles). And when this happens, and the lines are favorable for consecutive downstacking, you can just plow through the lines and get down to your straight line garbage easily.

Consecutive Downstacking is also good if you're trying to play dig race and use the least amount of pieces (although I recommend playing to be efficient rather than using least pieces).

Perfect Tetris: (March 15, 2012)

If you ever watch pros play, a lot of the times, they'll stack up a perfect 4 lines and get that tetris, and people will be amazed at how they always manage to stack up a perfect 4 lines, get a Tetris, and leave the next garbage hole uncovered.

How do they do it? There are certain Tetris Indicators to indicate how many lines they need to build up. For instance in this example, when you put the J piece in, it forms a perfect 4 lines:

Pros can instantly recognize these Tetris Indicators, place in the appropriate piece, and then not have to worry about counting how many lines they need to build up. They only have to watch to make sure that they stack up to fill at least that many lines. For example, in the previous fumen:


This can be extremely useful when there is a Tetris Indicator over a garbage hole, since once you put the piece in, you only have to worry about filling in and not stacking over the next garbage hole.


Here are some other Tetris Indicators:


Here's something that's particularly useful when your stack is a little bit messy (or even when it's normal) and you have a pyramid.


Also for anyone who hasn't seen apocalypse's blockbox survivor video, you're missing out!

If you watch, he keeps his field flat and clear pretty much the whole time which is why he can downstack so fast!

Also, words from Apocalypse:
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
First off, I would like to thank anonymous for posting my video as an example, I feel honored...
Also, I am not as "techy" or smart as these guys, giving such support to the topic, but my opinion is that good down-stacking isn't something you develop with just practice like stacking fast. Fast stacking requires lots of practice because you familiarize certain patterns, you might not be conscious of it but its memorized, you have more control over that. Down-stacking in the other hand requires a lot of improvisation, you receive garbage that you cannot predict or control(unless you are a uber nerd and have the formula for it). For good down-stacking you MUST enter that mindset of seen the lower gaps in relation to your incoming pieces and see the best possible way of using these(which is something "duh").

I had to play thousands of games to enter that mindset, survivor mode really helped me a lot and I feel there are way better down-stackers out there, my speed is a huge factor to my down-stacking, people like meow, radiance, anonymous and trance(which I'm sure there are more people but these guys are coolest imo) that have such efficiency down-stacking that makes my speedy down-stacking look foolish, they might give you the key to "entering the mindset".

I like anonymous input on keeping the field flat for an easier down-stacking, Blink keeps a nice flat field which makes it easier for him to set up combos and clear garbage, probably one of the best at it. Meow with his patience guided me to understanding that important factor(hes the guy you should seek if this is an issue for you as it was for me).

I know I probably talked a lot of bs and said things you already know, but I didn't understand these things myself, I kept playing and playing and playing with desperation, believing I would suddenly be good at it.

So, conclusion, "patience and focus".
Tetris / Another One of my Dumb Ideas
September 10, 2011, 05:37:24 PM
The basic gist of my idea is to have two players vs against each other, just like your every day normal match. However, each player would be handicapped (each player has a different handicap). They would play in a sort of "match of the week" kind of dealio which would be streamed and casted. Players could bet on the winner, and if they won enough money, then they would get some kind of reward. People in the match would get something too.  And if you drop out of the match, then you lose a finger.

I've said this like 20 times now, but competitive Tetris is boring because everything is so predictable. But, if you handicapped both players, then matches would be more unpredictable/more exciting.

If you had qmk vs blink in a regular vs match, then it's obvious blink will win (sorry qmk). But if qmk was handicapped with a tenth of a second line delay (or something), and blink was handicapped to using only 3 previews, then the match would be less predictable.

You could have handicaps like, your t-spins don't send anything (or maybe only half lines), line clear delay, less previews, your combos don't send lines, etc.

There's not really any way to implement this idea in any current games and I don't plan on ever running this, but what do you think about the idea?!
Tetris / Why I play
August 24, 2011, 11:10:43 PM
I've been thinking recently (in before, "well that's a first!") about why I continue to be active on the Hard Drop forums.

I rarely play Tetris at all anymore. You could say Tetris has become "boring" for me. The game I love (Blockbox) is pretty much empty. So why do I keep being active? What is there for me here? I think a lot of people have had these thoughts at some point. Heck, I've been thinking the same things too.

In this thread, post why you continue to be active in the community. Whether it's because you are still learning how to play the game, you love the people, etc, it doesn't matter. I would like to hear why you are here. And if someone has already said your reason(s), say it again anyways! It feels good to get this stuff off your chest.

Anyways, here are my reasons why I still continue to be here. (I realize there is probably already a thread like this, but I don't care)

First of all, the community is awesome! I love every aspect about Hard Drop. A place where avid Tetris players can go if they need help or want to look up strategies/information. Being able to see all the players around the world. Showing off your replays to other Tetris players. The competition. The people. My god, one thing I love about Hard Drop is all the different people. There are so many unique Tetris personalities.

For instance, you have the arseface (though still a pretty cool guy) Corrosive, the genius people who I have no idea what they say because I'm too dumb to understand like Caffeine and Rosti, you have the people who have so much dedication that they are willing to chip in their own money to further Tetris (talkin' bout you Myndzi), there are technical people who know basically everything about Tetris like Kitaru, and there are the mean people like Killah Bee. There are others as well, but thinking too hard makes my brain feel funny. Anyways, it's so awesome to be a part of this community. And you lurkers should post more too; it's a lot of fun!

Another reason why I'm still here is because I love seeing the growth of Tetris. Not just the growth of the community (although that's still good), but also the growth of Tetris as a game. First there was just regular Tetris, like the NES Tetris (note: I'm just making this timeline up). Then, it evolved into Tnet with its weird well size and randomly oriented pieces. And all the Tnet2/Tfast stuff after that.

And then there was Tetris Friends. Tetris Friends was the first place I played Tetris. However, I didn't even play on the TF website. I played on the Facebook application which was like 2x more laggy than the website. I mainly just played Sprint and Ultra mode.

And then Blockbox came along, which was the second Tetris game I'd ever played. It was so much fun; the players, all the different game modes, the speed, lack of lag, the smilies (anyone remember back when we had to type in <69>?), everything. I remember having 47 seconds in TF Sprint and thinking I was the sh**. And the very first time I went onto Blockbox, there was Maserati getting 25 seconds easy. That was when I realized, I wanted to become pro. Tetris is much more than just a game... it's a way of life!

Anways, I remember after Blockbox, a lot of people started moving to Tetris Online Japan. I tried it out, but I never really got into it. It was too weird for me. Straight garbage, combos, T-spins, what?!.

Then came along Tetris Friends Arena and Nullpomino. There's not much to say since they're almost the same as TOJ. I must admit though that I disliked TFA a lot when it came out. I tried to play, but I misdropped so much from dropped inputs and lag. But, Tetris Friends Arena has gotten a lot better now. It's not as laggy as it used to be (at least not for me) and it looks like a lot of fun. I'll also say that Nullpomino has improved a lot too in terms of usability and accessability. I think Nullpomino might become big in Null8.

And lastly, Tetris Battle. Instead of using garbage, this game uses bombs as garbage. Although to me, the game seems very unintuitive (not clearing garbage holes, what?!), it is actually very fun, and I'm glad to see that the game was a success. Anyways, I've gone off on a pretty big tangent. The point is, I love seeing how Tetris as a game has evolved over the years.

The last reason I'll post is that I feel like I have a lot to contribute to the community. Having played for many years (only 3-4 lol), I feel like I have a lot of experience and information to give to the younger generations of Tetris. Pretty much, I'm like a grandpa, who gives his advice/opinion to everyone he meets (even if they don't want it).

Weeellllp, that's my list of reasons why I'm still here. There are more, but I can't think of any right now. If I do think of any though, I'll post them. In the mean time, you guys can tell me your reason for why you still play. c:

Also, sorry I suck at writing, grammar, and English in general.
Tetris / Shoutout!
January 07, 2011, 06:14:05 PM
Shoutout to JMAC and Brian! (i think those are the 2 commentator names)

you guys were pro
Tetris / some tetris ideas
September 13, 2010, 02:07:33 PM
I had a maybe cool idea for a "uniform" game to combine all the games. Maybe, t-spins send lines like they do now (4 lines of straight garbage; also has b2b), combos send lines like normal, but regular line clears, like doubles, triples, and tetrises send messy garbage.

I haven't exactly thought out this idea a lot, so maybe t-spins could send the messy garbage and tetrises send straight lines, or some kind of variation. I'm not exactly sure what to do with "all spins." But I think this is a good compromise between blockbox and TOJ/TF/nullpomino.

Also, I had a possible solution to stop 4-wide from being so powerful. A player should lose if any of their pieces go above the field. So, when players build with the hole in the middle and they receive garbage, if any of their pieces rise above the field, they should lose.
[update] 7/4/10
Oi everyone! You guys probably remember that my brother (B1ink on this site) and I made a game a few weeks ago.

We've spent the last 3 weeks programming a new game and would appreciate if you told us what you think of this game.  You don't need to install anymore, just unzip the game and run the "Skar Wars Episode 2.exe". We also included an easter egg so try to find it c:

Skar Wars Episode 2

Also, we included an option if you have an azerty keyboard, then run the "Skar Wars Episode 2azerty.exe" file.

Thanks for playing our game!
If you find any bugs, let us know and be sure to check out the nekkid ladies!


Oi everyone! My brother (B1ink on this site) and I spent the last 2 weeks learning/programming a game!
We would appreciate it if you told us what you think of the game.

Also, we're not really working on this game anymore, so we probably won't add anything.

And, after you install the program, you just double click the "zzgame.exe" file.
General / Heroes of Newerth beta sign up
February 22, 2010, 06:23:30 PM
Oi everyone! Sign up for the Heroes of Newerth Beta!

It's free and easy! It's basically like DOTA on Warcraft 3. If you've never played it, don't worry, I haven't either! and if you have played it, teach me how to play lol.

Also, sign ups for beta end in about 5 hours. And post your name too!

my name: black_dude
General / Most awesome machine ever made
January 07, 2010, 01:22:45 PM

Ch-check it out!
General / Blockbox now on facebook!
December 17, 2009, 11:05:02 AM
Hey guys! I don't know if there's already a thread about this, but Blockbox is now on Facebook! Sweeeet!
Tetris / Blockbox keeps freezing!
November 17, 2009, 12:33:08 PM
Whenever I play on Blockbox, the screen always freezes for about a second. Then the screen unfreezes and the next 1-2 pieces are misdropped  . This has only been happening recently. Does anyone else have this problem?
Strategy/Help / Help with misdrops!
October 02, 2009, 06:54:12 PM
Hello Everyone! I need your advice on misdropping because I misdrop way too much; especially when I'm nervous, like in Tetris tournaments.   I've gotten pretty good at fixing misdrops. However, I still do it way too much, and it causes me to lose a lot of games.

Is there some way to train to misdrop less (maybe learn good piece finesse?)?
Tetris / Blockbox is really laggy!
September 02, 2009, 11:05:05 AM
Recently, many players on Blockbox have been having lag problems. I'm not sure why this has been happening, but I might have figured out a temporary fix.

I was really laggy on my account anonymous on Blockbox, so I logged in as a guest, and this seemed to stop the lag.

Hope this helps!

Edit: I just logged in as anonymous, and it's not laggy anymore for me. I don't know if logging in as a guest helps or not, but it might be worth a try.
Tetris / New garbage thread for vs
August 10, 2009, 02:41:07 PM
Personally, I think the new garbage system is way too slow. I was playing a 5P vs game, and it seemed like the games take way too long, and I think there are some serious flaws in the system depending on what styles people play.

In my experiences, after the initial tetrises and everyone is about halfway up, everyone goes into "downstack mode" and lines aren't being added as fast. The problem is, garbage isn't being added fast enough.

What happens is that most of the people just downstack in 5P games, and maybe 1 person will try to send garbage to everyone else. Essentially, what happens is that the other 4 people in the game will downstack till they all reach the floor, and the 1 person who adds garbage is slowly getting pushed up (since he isn't downstacking as fast). And eventually, the person giving garbage will die. And the one who downstacks the fastest usually gets first or second place. Stuff happens, and eventually someone wins. But my point is, that you can usually get 1st or 2nd if you only downstack, which I think needs to be changed.

Obviously, as Corrosive said, the best players can downstack and add lines at the same time, but if you can get 1st or 2nd by just downstacking, there is no incentive to try to add garbage to others.

One way the original garbage system dealt with slow games was the 4 consecutive singles = 1 garbage line.  I think this quickened the pace of the games; however, I think it also skewed the gameplay for more downstacking. And some people didn't like this.

I have one suggestion. I don't know if this is a good idea or not, but maybe we could implement this into the garbage system: the less garbage you send, the more garbage you get. This way, the people who only downstack receive more garbage, while people who send more garbage while downstacking will receive less garbage. I'm not saying the garbage difference should be massive, but I think it should be enough to create an incentive to give adds. However, this might be difficult to do and be hard to balance. And, it favors people who can get tetrises quicker and disfavors slower players (sorry jdapple    ).

Obviously, this new garbage system is trying to promote fairness between all players by giving everyone equal garbage, however, there is an inherent flaw; it does not take into account different gameplay styles.

There's another problem I see, but I'm not sure how you would solve it. Let's say there is a 5P game. Everybody except one person stacks up for 2 tetrises.  After everyone but the one player sends the 2 tetrises, everyone has 8 lines of garbage (or however much, it's not important). What is important is that the person who didn't send any garbage can now just block drill his way down while the other players must clear the extra 2 or 3 lines that they built up after the tetris. Furthermore, if you are stacking tetrises and you misdrop, then you are in a much worse situation than the person who didn't do anything. So, the player who did nothing is now beating everyone else because his stack is lower than everyone elses.

Hope it's not tl;dr
General / Awesome new idea
August 06, 2009, 09:33:56 PM
So when I walk around my school, I always see kids wearing really saggy pants so that they have to hold up their pants with one hand, and they're showing their boxers.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

So why not create pants that are attached to the boxers? This way, the people won't have to hold up their pants when they walk around, since the elastic in their boxers will keep their pants up. By doubling the number of hands available for use, you are increasing efficiency by 100%. I think this idea is ingenious.

The only downside I can see about these pants is when you take them off, you are also taking your boxers off as well. But, on the upside you are also taking off your boxers while you take off your pants, so it's more efficient.

What do you guys think about my idea?