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Topics - Ukrainian4Life

General / Favorite TV Series?
January 19, 2011, 06:52:33 PM
I was interested to know what shows spark interest in the minds of tetris players all over the world. What shows/series, NOT movies, do you enjoy watching the most and perhaps include a sentence about why you love watching the show/series.

My two personal favorites are: Dexter, the one starring Michael C Hall. and Six Feet Under.
Occasional viewing: House.
Arena / Sadistic Sixteen
November 21, 2010, 08:26:33 PM

Current Member List
-Beastin Shen

Hopefully with some teams already in existence there will be tournaments for different platforms and different rules, i.e. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 on Nullpo, TOJ, BB, TF. Let me know if you have any questions/comments/or anything else. This is meant to get players more motivated towards branching out and contributing to various facets of the game. Recruitment is open for 3 more spot.

Currently we are active in the HDTL Season 1 Tournament, which is held on Nullpomino 7.5.

Downloads for Tetris Online Japan English Patch and both Nullpomino Versions:

>> D o w n l o a d  N u l l p o M i n o  7. 5

H D T L  P r a c t i c e  R u l e s e t s :

S t y l e ABC

S t y l e D

S t y l e E

NEWEST MEMBERS: Shawty and qmk, welcome to S16!