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Messages - zaphod77

Tetris / Blockbox Rotation System
January 20, 2019, 11:04:27 AM
I remember BRS as well. never used it, but i believe its' designed to not allow climbing under 20G.  I think it switches to a variant of DTET rotation system under 20g.

I still believe that SRS violates the purity of tetris. It breaks the rule that blocks go down, they don't go back up.

Tetris / Re-holding pieces
April 29, 2018, 03:55:14 PM
The reason you can't hold twice in a row is precisely because of it's ability to stall. hold, soft drop, hold, soft drop, hold, soft drop, etc.

if hold swapped  the pieces from where they were instead of putting the new one in at the top, then there would be no need for the restriction.
Tetris / A Shorter Loop for Playing Forever
August 04, 2017, 10:35:32 PM
The reason these solutions assume SRS is because no Authentic Tetris Game™ with bag uses TGM rotation.  Only a game with SRS would give the opportunity to use it.

The 20 bag solution is easy enough for a human to master, but breaks down at 20g.  

And i'm still waiting for ForeverBot 3.1.
Tetris / Tetris Atari eccentricities
February 16, 2017, 08:44:02 PM
The trick to not rolling over is to time your piece drops well when you get close.
dropping by pressing down gives more points. not pressing down gives less.

You then have to do rapid mental math to work out when to stop pressing down.

When dealing with advancing garbage, singles are best. but don't be afraid to make a hole if you have only a few lines left. when you are down to your last three or so look for opportunities to platform and get lines higher up and beat the level.

but when it's really fast you just gotta keep stack low. this requires much discipline and concentration. sometimes it will seem to cooperate and set you up for a tetris. DO NOT FALL FOR IT! you will kick yourself when the garbage advances just before you get your I and you can't quite get it over, and now your stack is 11 high on the side and you simply cannot get ANY piece over and that's all she wrote.
Tetris / Perfect Clear Finder
December 05, 2016, 05:29:33 PM
sega tetris has no kicks at all, and only CCW rotation.
Strategy/Help / Upstacking Habit
September 23, 2016, 06:17:52 PM
Upstacking is best learned at low speed.

a decent guide is here.

actually it's mentioned above already. lol  read it.

the basic principle is consider all placements for a piece, and pick the one that leaves the most possibilities, suspending this rule if you KNOW the piece you are forcing a dependency on is next.

the ideal surface is flat, but not TOO flat.

Learn the rules of good stacking, then learn when it's ok to break them, and whihc is thlesser of two evils when you have a choice.
SOme tips.

1) except for the I piece, try to prefer horizontal placements, especially for S and Z. vertical placements of those pieces can cause the castle effect, which often makes you chose between towers or holes.  Of course often a vertical placement is a cleaner fit.
2) if you have a choice between a tower and hole, pick the hole.Exception. at low speed it's pretty safe to make a tower of s if it's on the VERY left, or z on the VERY right.
3) if you have a choice for hole location, a hole near the outside is better than a hole in the middle, and a hole near the bottom is better than a hole up top. Even a really ugly placement near the bottom is better than any hole up high.
4) watch the next piece. situations that would ordinarily be bad are good iif you know the piece you need is coming.  Say you have a spit that can be filled with either L or a J place vertically. you current piece is a T. if next piece is an L or a J, you know which side to place the T on.  if it's neither you may want to place the T elsewhere.
5) learn to skim.  placements that seem bad at first glance can clear up their own hole.
6) don't be afraid to make a hole if the preview(s) are giving you the pieces to fix it.
7) don't be afraid to place a I piece elsewhere besides the tetris hole.  When playing Guideline bag will ensure you get another I piece soon enough.  It takes ten pieces to make a tetris, but you get an i every seven.  So you can afford to waste an I piece roughly every three bags.  
8 ) You can hold I pieces and almost certainly should hold your first I.  When you need to hold another piece, try to get that I back when you can. you can always pull it back out later if needed.
9)  rotating both ways is essential.  sometimes you need one or the other to even get a S or Z to rotate at all.  You will almost certainly run into this at some time if you try to abuse move reset.
10) don't overstack on top of a hole, no matter how clean it looks. it is usually better to make a second hole low than to keep stacking over the existing hole.
Tetris / What was the first Tetris game that ... ?
September 12, 2016, 03:59:08 PM
As near as I can make out, most of the european mirrorsoft versions were from andromeda (and have andromeda copyrights), who got them from the hungarian programmers.

Still can't find your source for that one release in 87, so i'm giving up.
Tetris / What was the first Tetris game that ... ?
September 11, 2016, 04:34:00 PM
i have no quote for the month..

but the title screen has a 1987 copyright.

most sources say 87, some say 88.  none actually seem to say the month. ;(

that said.. i JUST found evidence for 88, by looking at the file dates in an abandonware download.

everyone who said 87 was probably fooled by the copyright.  seems it wasprobably january of 88.

but I can't find accurate data on the mirrorsoft versions either...  I'm giving up.

The "hungarian programmers" are Andromeda Software, and those are the versions that were released in europe, licenssed to Mirrorsoft.

While most of them were almost certainly finished in 87, data on their release is rather hard to actualyl come by.  Mot of them have a 87 copyright on their title screen.

I have to conclude that you are looking for either amiga, amstrad, or spectrum version (which MSX was ported from). but i can't find real data.
Tetris / What was the first Tetris game that ... ?
September 11, 2016, 09:25:18 AM
Please send me the ACCURATE release list. what I read says apple II version was released in 86, and considering that the first tetris EVER was 85, there's no way one could be released in 78, and you must have meant 87, which apple II shows 86 on my release list. hat saem list i saw lists pc and c64 also for 86 (though that's probably the vadim version)

The history with the hungarian programmer versions is VERY muddled, and one of them is probably first, but i imply do not have the info to track down which got sold first.

That said i have evidence that the spectrum holobyte pc tetris was in 87, and probably before the one you are thinking of.

btw, i've since detrrmined that tetris X (bps, Japan) is probably the game you are after for your rotation/spawn question.
Tetris / What was the first Tetris game that ... ?
September 09, 2016, 08:16:00 AM

I just retested, and yes, s and z are upside down in Super Tetris 3. meaning the first game that gets it right is later. I'm guessing you are thinking of Superlite Series 1500 The Tetris, but as you said the I is upside down. Therefore, Tetris Worlds is in fact the true and correct answer to that question.

The first tetris that was sold must be the Mirrorsoft tetris games, for various systems. I think apple ii was first, though it might have been PC.  Spectrum Holobyte and Mirrorsoft are actually the same company, with spectrum holobyte being the US department.

And yes, you are right abut the first ever tetris with bag, which is, in fact, the game bag was developed for. confirmed by Henk Rogers himself.
Tetris / What was the first Tetris game that ... ?
September 08, 2016, 06:51:43 PM
[quote name='Okey_Dokey' date='Aug 28 2016, 07:37 AM' post='88656']

What's been the first official Tetris game ...[list=1]
  • where J, L, T, S and Z pieces spawned a bit more on the left side of the matrix?
    This is a tricky one. Earliest oen i know of  is spectrum holobyte tetris. pc version 1987.
  • where all pieces spawned and rotated like nowadays (without kicks)?
    BPS invented this. and they appear to have done it first in tetris battle gaiden. HOWEVER....  The i piece rounds DOWN in that game, while it round UP in super Tetris 3, making that the first game. that game IS SRS without wallkicks.
  • that was commercial (could be bought for some money)?
    This is a trick question. We need to define if arcade games count.  And alo what atually counts as official.
  • that used move-reset lock delay (delay is reset after each move or rotation)?
    I'm 99% sure this is either The Next Tetris (which is the first with infinity that I know of), a silly mobile phone game (which obviously needs it), or Tetris Worlds, which is first SRS.
  • that rewarded T-Spins in Versus multiplayer (sending additional lines)?

    as for q 20, Tetris worlds is the first with 7-bag, but NOT the first with bag.   I actually found out from Henk what the first game with bag was.  Do you know?
Arena / Never getting KO in Tetris Arena!
March 28, 2016, 07:09:01 PM
There are two more likely explanations then a conspiracy.

1) people at your level know how to stall and time their attack to get the ko
2) more cheaters at higher rank.

When you created a new account you were faced with lower ranked opponents, which you easily beat.

You have to time your attacks to get those KOs.  Otherwise you will get at most one after everyone else is taken out. Wait till your targetting marker gets on the person you need to take out.
Tetris / Poll: Tetris Ultimate PC: Keep or Refund?
December 27, 2015, 07:31:52 AM
His Japanese is notoriously difficult to machine translate, but if true, i think it would be pretty cool.

Last i heard, he was still angry that people were making videos using emulators.  

My point is now that the latest game has failed HARD and TGM has good exposure, is that NOW would be a good time for it to show up.  Arika CAN make software that actually works on PC, as evidenced by Jewelry Master.
Tetris / Poll: Tetris Ultimate PC: Keep or Refund?
December 25, 2015, 06:14:39 PM
Now why can't people just release TGM for PC?   i'd buy that.