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Messages - keychera

Tetris / 40 lines leaderboard
February 26, 2019, 01:10:24 AM
wow, not many posted sub 1:10 score...
now here I am to add one more person!


Introductions / How did you get into Tetris?
February 26, 2019, 12:59:43 AM
I know tetris since child but it was just another game that I know until I watched one particular vid.
that one youtube vid by kaia/doremy showing him playing against a Puyo player by doing 4 wide in a very clutched situation. it was at that point, I started thinking "oh wow that way of playing tetris looks cool and fun!". Then, I watched more tetris videos, mostly puyo2tetris meme videos (SLIGHT DISADVANTAGE), and then I found wumbo's channel and watch more tetris vid and I ultimately decided to try it myself.

and now I'm here