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Messages - AESthetix256

Tetris / Phantom Mania ARS/SRS
May 27, 2019, 04:15:41 AM
I've been playing tetris for a while now and recently descided to improve in Phantom Mania (NullpoMino). The thing I'm currently stuck on is wether to use SRS, which I've gotten used to in the past 6 months or ARS, which would be more challenging.

Let's (for a second) imagine getting GM in PM, I guess SRS could be seen as using the "easy" rotation system. Is ARS worth learing just for PM? I usually just play Tetris99 or 40L sprint (using ARS ofc).
Tetris / Sharing an Ultra-Advanced Tetris Guide
July 15, 2018, 08:01:58 AM
Thanks for re-uploading the guide!
Introductions / How did you get into Tetris?
July 15, 2018, 08:00:15 AM
Been playing since May. I've been bored in class and the night before I got recommended some video from the TCWC. I was interested and so it began.
Tetris / Tetris Effect (PS4)
July 08, 2018, 05:44:03 AM
I think tetris effect is extremely important for us (although we might not like it). By targeting a more casual audience Tetris Effect appeals to a lot more people. Furthermore it is not as "Asian-Themed" like PPT so it will suit the western audience better. I think this will be the gateway game for a lot of new tetris players to come and due to the aesthetic gameplay will probably be shared more on social media than current tetris games.

The only problem I have is, that I don't own a ps4