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Messages - Brent

Tetris / Tetris Effect (PS4)
November 20, 2018, 05:05:53 PM
Lol that video at the end is such a hack.

Sorry I got confused before, regular t-spin zero is 400 and mini t-spin zero is 100 but the way they're calculating the mini-TSS and mini-TSS is just by adding the 100 points for the mini t-spin zero to the single and double line clears.

The STSD setup in PPT gives you two TSDs, no mini-TSD, not sure what the points value in PPT for the other mini-TSD setup is, haven't checked it.
Tetris / Tetris Effect (PS4)
November 19, 2018, 05:45:28 PM
Looks like they just patched it. It's still a mini TSD and has a base value of 400 points now instead of 0 while keeping the b2b bonus in tact (barely more than the 300 points you get for a double line clear). You will receive the b2b bonus and get an extra 50% to make it worth 600 points if you did a t-spin or tetris prior to the mini TSD and it maintains the b2b chain for the next one.

For comparison the mini t-spin single is worth 200 points (single line clear is worth 100) plus 50% with b2b to be worth 300 points. I think perhaps the mini t-spin double should be worth 600 points and 900 with b2b for it to keep the same ratio and make sense. What do you guys think? Should it even be consider a mini TSD instead of just a regular TSD? How is it applied in other versions of modern tetris?

This is also still much less than the 1200 points (1800 with b2b bonus) for a normal TSD so it's still a very inefficient strategy in high score runs unless you have no other choice following this update.

Also I just noticed a mini t-spin which clears no lines is actually worth the same as a mini-TSD and more than a mini-TSS (400 points). I can't see any logic behind this at all.
Tetris / Tetris Effect (PS4)
November 17, 2018, 05:49:50 PM
Has anyone alerted Enhance to the scoring glitch in the game that causes the first t-spin double in a STSD to register as a t-spin double mini worth 0 points when a t-spin single mini in the game still gives you points. Seems to have been missed in play testing and needs to be patched.
Tetris / [Gameboy Tetris]
July 26, 2018, 10:33:54 PM
Finally beat my previous PB after 7 or 8 years. I never really survive much past level 16. Probably should work on not going for so much and burning a bit more instead of the all or nothing tetris or die trying approach.

Tetris / Need help with lag on Puyo Puyo Tetris
March 09, 2018, 06:44:48 AM
I've started to main puyo puyo, problem solved. The lag actually helps you then.
Tetris / Puyo Puyo Tetris for PC
February 28, 2018, 04:43:17 PM
Can confirm. Changed my download region from Australia to USA last night and swiftly got a reality check on actually being matched with players around/above my skill level :'(

It's super annoying though as there doesn't appear to be any way to match up against all regions at the same time. Though I do sometimes see players whose in-game profile says they're in another country, I think this is just because they also changed the download region to get around this. Perhaps a consensus will form around the most active region if this continues.

Also join the harddrop steam group, probably easier.
Tetris / Puyo Puyo Tetris for PC
February 12, 2018, 01:57:11 PM
Well there is some precedent then, I didn't know that. Still I think it's pretty unlikely they will do it unless there's enough of a problem to force them.

With rocket league there is ps4/PC crossplay and switch/xbone/PC crossplay. Sony are the only holdouts who refuse to share servers with nintendo and microsoft. But there's no reason why other games such as PPT couldn't have the same crossplay so PC can play with everyone that way. I think it's quite likely the community will be larger on PC outside of Japan at least anyway.
Tetris / Puyo Puyo Tetris for PC
February 11, 2018, 11:33:56 AM
Well it's a lot more active on ps4 at least than tetris ultimate ever was anywhere (even on the 3ds version which wasn't broken like the rest were). The majority of players are Japanese though so will be interesting to see how it goes without the years and years worth of Japanese install base. They need to take a leaf out of psyonix's book and do crossplay really.
Tetris / Puyo Puyo Tetris for PC
February 09, 2018, 03:58:43 PM
For anybody who didn't already pre-order it at 10% off like me (fml), you can get 20% off here:

Should we create a new/revive the old steam harddrop group for when this comes out? I'm not very good though maybe there's some people on here also are not very good and can play some different modes in unranked.

The problem with playing PPT online is it kind of forces you to only play one mode you are best at most of the time unless you want to sabotage your rank. I get around it on ps4 with multiple profiles so I can play puyo puyo and swap for fun online but I don't think steam is so easy to do this on.
Woah, did you exceed the character limit on the post? That's some serious beef you got there. I personally love PPT but I agree with some of your points. The balance is not and will never be perfect. I tend to fare better against tetris players as I'm relatively slow and defensive/counter-punching and can't overwhelm puyo puyo players around my rank before they flood my screen with garbage and there's nothing I can do about it. Tetris does have the upper hand against puyo puyo at higher skill levels than mine though and all matches involving puyo puyo seem to be over a lot quicker one way or the other. Need to improve my t-spin efficiency to make up for my shitty speed.
PS4: moodeuce
Tetris / Puyo Puyo Tetris- PS4 or Switch?
January 15, 2017, 03:10:13 AM
I really would have preferred it on 3ds but I guess I'll get the ps4 version because I already have it and the community will be larger you would think. Really annoying it's not digital on ps4 too, why would they do this?
Tetris / [Gameboy Tetris]
December 02, 2016, 05:14:20 PM
This is my favourite version of Tetris to play offline. I haven't been able to beat my score of 442,080 from around 6 years ago though (must be getting old). Made on GameBoy Color with a defective d-pad no less. I play it on 3ds mostly nowadays, it's a much smoother more enjoyable experience but haven't been able to break 400k since.

Arena / [3DS] Tetris Ultimate Communities!
January 10, 2016, 05:37:12 PM
I will add these later though not sure how it will work without enough people agreeing on times beforehand to go on.

Still get some activity on quick play but wish the community was bigger like tetris ds was as I prefer the feel of this game (the 3ds version at least) to tetris friends which everybody plays.