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Messages - nc4228

Tetris / The optimal age to be a top Tetris player
August 23, 2014, 03:57:52 PM
To be honest, in my opinion, there is a "peak" level for everyone and that would probably be around a person's early/mid 20s. However, because Tetris is kinda more of a mental sport than a pure physical sport (kinda similar to pianism as I can tell u), masters can probably remain in the picture longer (I say to even mid 40's) as long as their brains are still sharp!
WELCOME, to the BIG boy's playground!!!

By now, u should have a general sense NOT to run out and 1v1 a rank 19 or 20 (especially a maxed out grandmaster) as they'll eat u alive. If u want to get to grandmaster rank, ur not gonna do that without T-spins and with only combos (u will need to be significantly faster than ur opponent to win every time with combo starts). To add, most people I see that use combos every time they open are people who are about to derank from rank 16 or 17. Few people at the highest ranks will use combos each opener they perform and they are also pretty adapt at using a perfect clear build or just outrageous APM to quickly kill combo starter noobs or simply fill up their screen with enough garbege to render a combo start useless.

So what I'm trying to say is that combo starting each time will hurt u more in the long run and cannot replace knowledge of T-spins. That being said...

What u can do to get better:
-Stack faster. 100 TPM while stacking tetrises and around 70-90 TPM for downstacking will let u hang on in a match

-Learn T-spin doubles, that includes being able to set them up randomly from a random field. This is a MUST, u will be at a disadvantage if u don't.

-Improve ur downstacking ability. If u go into a 4-6 player rooms against rank 18-20's, this will be ur only hope of stealing a third or second place from multiple people who may be considerably stronger than u are.

-Familiarize with T-spin triples, do note that this won't be terribly useful. However, T-spin minis come up VERY frequently, for example if u have an S/Z start.

-Familiarize with different T-spin double setups. While this is fairly situational, it will help the more u know. The ones I have used in a handful of situations are STSD, Fractal/Imperial/Black Cross (which is essentially Fractal+Imperial Cross), King Crimson, DT cannon, TSD openers (must), Kaidan setups (must), donations (easier when Tetris column is in the middle). U can go on hard drop wiki and look some of these up.