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Messages - pr1nz

Tetris / playing with offline players at tetris friends
January 12, 2014, 05:18:39 AM
Tetris / playing with offline players at tetris friends
January 11, 2014, 07:01:27 AM
thanks for the information!
now I got it!
my own pc is lousy (but I ll get a new one as soon as possible) - that s why I can play 6 p without problems and playing arena is a huge problem for my pc and when i click, it sometimes causes no reaction to the minos.
playing arena the pc has to calculate more (cause it is really life and there is more data transmitted.)
Tetris / playing with offline players at tetris friends
January 10, 2014, 03:31:14 PM
Just played on Tetris Friends.
Wanted to look at the records of people I played with.
Clicked on three profiles.
all persons were offline at the moment and in an other rank I just played with them.
the should be online and be playing in the same rank as me

but instead it says
Offline | Last Logged In:  Jan 02, 2014
Offline | Last Logged In:  Dec 10, 2013

how come?
Introductions / pr1nz Munich
January 09, 2014, 10:53:10 AM
I have added two guys on facebook - one of them must be Katatoniopeth. The other guy is from Detroit! Thanks for sending me an request.
A friend of mine lived in Rosenheim and I have often driven by it, to go for skiing (for foreigners: Rosenheim is close to the Alps.)
Yes, since yesterday I also play Tetris friends - Curtis Newton - same profil picture as here now. there I am only rank 11.
Introductions / pr1nz Munich
January 08, 2014, 01:13:31 PM
I am from Germany, Munich!
I play Tetris since the first Gameboy was released.
Glad that I found that community.
Profile picture will be uploaded soon.
but that s my facebook - you can send me a friend request so that we can play tetris there - two of my friends played once but they do not anymore - so feel free to contact me.