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Messages - virulent

General / Japan meet up?
February 17, 2019, 09:56:32 PM
This is kind of a shot in the dark since I have been out of the Tetris scene for several years, but if any players who live in Japan want to meet up, I'll be there early to mid April!
General / TetriArt
July 26, 2015, 08:56:57 AM
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

made this at the summer camp i teach at so i thought i'd post it here!
General / Guild Wars 2 Breast Cancer Awareness Event
September 30, 2014, 10:55:08 AM
*completely ignores corro's negative outlook on the way the world works as everyone should*
General / Guild Wars 2 Breast Cancer Awareness Event
September 29, 2014, 04:47:51 PM
Since October is breast cancer awareness month, Prescribed [Rx], a Guild Wars 2 guild on SoS server, will be running a special raid in WvW on Thursday, October 2nd on mostly rangers wearing rose ice dye for breast cancer awareness.

Tune in, support, or donate at beginning tentatively at 9:30pm EST/6:30pm PST.

For more info, please visit the gw2 forums [you must have a Guild Wars 2 account]

Tetris / Futilitris
April 10, 2014, 11:01:50 AM
it's a tetris variant called futilitris
i haven't heard of this, but some of you may have [haven't been around much lately]
someone sent it to me so i tried it out n thought i'd share it w/ you lovely harddroppers~
[spoiler]i smiled like an idiot when i saw what happened after you try to clear a few lines[/spoiler]
taking bets on when this is going to be finished?
1 yr my guess.
Introductions / :( why ..
November 13, 2013, 11:46:00 PM
if you haven't already tried..clear your cache.

if that doesn't work..try contacting tf support..they'll prob be able to fix it for you?
General / [Interview] Kaibutsu
November 04, 2013, 11:27:04 PM
twin always so modest~
General / Pokémon Challenge
October 26, 2013, 11:08:37 AM
haha massiah
i didn't put a time limit :s
no i wouldn't consider drawing things out of memory to be cheating
General / Pokémon Challenge
October 21, 2013, 04:03:38 PM
so i asked a couple of my kids to list
  • a few things they could do after they're done w/ their hw so i could have it prepared for them
  • a few things they'd want me to print coloring pages out of
  • a few Pokémon they'd want to color
[one led to another] and at the end of the day the kids, my coworker n i were just trying to come up with Pokémon that they would like to color. the next day, my coworker & i were trying to list all of the first generation Pokémon [like the state game but with Pokémon]. then i thought, my husband would like to do this too! in the end, with a combined effort of a couple of kids, a couple of coworkers, my husband n myself, we came up with 147 of the 150. [i think mewtwo is 151..?]

make a list of the 150 original Pokémon [the fun is in NOT looking any of it up]. see how many you can list~ if you're going to post your list, please put a spoiler tag on it! thanks~ mine is handwritten so i'll post it when i'm bored enough to type it up :s

if you know the song or have them memorized or something along those lines this game is not for you.

  • pikachu
  • bulbasaur
  • ivysaur
  • venusaur
  • raichu
  • charmander
  • charmeleon
  • charizard
  • squirtle
  • qartortle
  • blastoise
  • rattata
  • raticate
  • nidorina
  • nidoran [f]
  • nidoran [m]
  • nidorino
  • nidoking
  • nidoqueen
  • caterpie
  • metapod
  • butterfree
  • weedle
  • kakuna
  • beedrill
  • pidgey
  • pidgeotto
  • pidgeot
  • fearow
  • spearow
  • sandshrew
  • sandslash
  • ponyta
  • rapidash
  • growlithe
  • arcanine
  • meowth
  • persian
  • geodude
  • onix
  • golem
  • moltres
  • diglet
  • dugtrio
  • doduo
  • articuno
  • mew
  • dotrio
  • zapdos
  • magnemite
  • magneton
  • magmar
  • marowak
  • farfetched
  • starmie
  • staryu
  • goldeen
  • seaking
  • horsea
  • kingdra
  • tentacruel
  • tentacool
  • ghastly
  • slowbro
  • slowking
  • slowpoke
  • snorlax
  • polywhirl
  • polygwag
  • shellder
  • sloister
  • krabby
  • kingler
  • magikarp
  • gharados
  • gengar
  • weepingbell
  • victorybell
  • bellsprout
  • arydactyl
  • haunter
  • dratini
  • dragonair
  • dragonite
  • eevee
  • jolteon
  • vaporeon
  • flareon
  • abra
  • kadabra
  • alakazam
  • drowsy
  • hypno
  • gloom
  • vileplume
  • venonat
  • venomoth
  • eggsecutor
  • eggsecute
  • parasite
  • muk
  • ditto
  • cubone
  • golduck
  • psyduck
  • jigglypuff
  • wigglytuff
  • chansey
  • hitmonchan
  • hitmonlee
  • mankey
  • primeape
  • scyther
  • lapras
  • kabuto
  • kabutops
  • tangela
  • jinx
  • mr mime
  • seel
  • ekans
  • kobra
  • weezing
  • koffing
  • kangaskhan
  • torres
  • voltorb
  • electrode
  • dewgong
  • zubat
  • golbat
  • paras
  • clefairy
  • clefable
  • seadra
  • oddish
  • vulpix
  • ninetailes
  • porygon
  • grimer
  • graveler
  • electobuss
  • polywrath
  • rhydon
  • rhyhorn
  • machop
  • machoke
Tetris / 19.68
August 17, 2013, 11:05:47 AM
tetris *GOD not goddess.

but dang that is some fast hard dropping @.@ i can't even conceive how you could read the pieces that quickly @.@ it just looks like it's in fast forward :s sub19 seems entirely possible for you! where do you think the limit is??
Arena / Glorious Notorious Tournament
July 18, 2013, 10:30:58 PM
what system are you using to group ppl by the #s? cause if it's like..1-200 is 1 group then friends or ppl who want to play together can just pm you similar or same #s :s
Tetris / The Sub 35 challenge
July 12, 2013, 09:12:57 AM
thxx~ n yayy *high5*
Announcements / TetriNET & TetriFAST server
July 12, 2013, 09:09:54 AM
that file has always popped up as malicious, but i've spoken to dozens of people about it, none of who got any viruses, all of whom were worried. i would say 'i'm not sure why they don't just fix it' but no one's worked on it in years :s

anyway, the tnet113 & tfast113 will also connect to the server and play is the same, it just isn't as convenient cause it's 2 .exe's
Tetris / Stream-Ideas
July 10, 2013, 09:09:06 AM
i have a ton of thoughts on this subject so bear w/ me lol

intendant - first of all, thanks so much for the support! i'm glad you enjoy watching!  also, i think this thread was a great idea! thx for coming up w/ it, not sure why i never thought of it myself!

as for your kos idea, myndzi actually streams kos once in a while, i think larry does too. they're both extremely good at that. i wouldn't stream it myself simply cause i'm terrible at it! ppl would end up just waiting for me to make a move most of the time :x but i suppose i could make a move based off of what ppl on sb think i should do!

as for 1v1[v1v1v1v1] isn't that just ffa? we stream that a few times every week i think? we also do a lot of 2v4 or uneven match ups on cultris quite often when it's difficult to make even teams. we'll probably be streaming more of that soon cause the WINHA tourney seems to be dying :s

oofw - i'm not sure we're allowed to stream videos that are copyrighted :s but the pro player's game idea is interesting and i think parkzer, caffeine or vip would be great for that depending on what vibe you wanna get

DJ_TJ - sorry about that! i'm a late sleeper late riser :c larry, kaibutsu, and blink are both west coasters, and adam's on summer vacay n his home internet's not up for streaming :s a few of the other streamers are more once-in-a-while-streamers. if you would like to watch streams while no one is streaming, they're saved on [the harddrop twitch channel] or what i liked to use: [since it's in reverse chronological order]

Antifate - originally, the stream was open to many more members, but we had some issues with illegal and nonrated 13 content so we had to change up the pw and limit the amount of streamers. if you know anyone who would like to stream, have them pm blink asking whether or not they can. he will only allow people he trusts to stream because of past issues.

commentary is always better yea, but it feels a little awkward talking to yourself in your room :x if you would like to commentate on my particular stream, you can def add me on skype [xoxovirulent], let me know who you are and i can stream our call. i can't say the same about other streamers though cause, well, i'm not them!

i think some people enjoy watching single player streams. if you don't want to watch it you can always turn it off. it also gives the streamer a chance to go back and see what they did right or wrong. i know when i play 40L, i don't finish most of my games and therefore, they are not saved. there's a bit more information in streaming single player games than in replays [sound of kb might tell you how hesitant you were? n i'm sure there's more]

as for nontetris games, i don't stream them, but it's blink's site and he wants to so it's ultimately his choice  i believe it's just him streaming LoL and possibly paradox streaming sc2 on the harddrop stream. parkzer streams other games off his own twitch channel again, you can always just turn the stream off if you don't want to watch it

that's all for now! sry for the novel! gunna be late for work now loll but totally worth it!