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Messages - muf

Quote from: caffeineYou didn't earn that visibility.
"waaaaa, waaaaaaaaa, waaa"

Upset you never registered
Quote from: caffeine
It doesn't matter if you claim to own it. What matters is the stealing part. And the problem with your argument is that it really was just the community that mattered, you wouldn't have originally felt the need to copy someone else's domain name. Why did it matter if it's called Tetris Concept to you? Oh, because visibility.
That reasoning is so wrong I don't even know where to begin. It mattered that it's called Tetrisconcept (yes, we dropped the space -- deal with it) because that's what people punch into Google if they can't find it. The community is based on its members, and if its members can't find the site, then what community is there? Oh. Ooooooh. I think you get it now (hopefully).
Quote from: caffeineHowever one thing keeps being forgotten, is a result of some guys copy and pasting my website onto a similar domain and calling it their own!
The problem with that argument is that nobody is claiming ownership of TC. In fact, TC does everything it can to hide who's running the site, because it doesn't matter who's running it. The community is what matters, and ownership seems like such a petty thing to argue about. TC would still be yours if you hadn't abandoned it and left us to our own devices to reanimate it. But this has been stated by Rosti and others over and over again in the earlier pages of this thread, so I would rather refer you first to my beating-a-dead-horse gif, and second to colour_thief's post, where he suggested to put all this ridiculous baggage behind us and just move the community forward. Because the community is what matters. A recognisable name and working links (if we implemented your suggestion of redirects that expire after a set period, we would end up with a bunch of dead links scattered across the internet) are part of that community. So changing the name of TC is definitely, completely, and utterly, out of the question. Also, those flags were expensive (but boy was it worth it -- look at the majesty).
Quote from: caffeine
How dare I expect you guys to show some originality. My bad. Stick to your copy and pasting of other people's websites.
Quote from: caffeine
Quote from: muf
Is 50% or less of your support good enough too? What's the threshold here?

Then we're done. The only reason I can imagine for TC changing its name is to stroke your ego. I thought we put that behind us. Apparently you didn't. Fin.
Is 50% or less of your support good enough too? What's the threshold here?
Quote from: caffeine
Lol, man I'm slow to finally figure out the real angle here. This isn't about making the content easier to access or the good of Tetriskind. This boils down to channeling more traffic towards It's exactly the same reason you guys decided to rip off my site's name: visibility.
Fine, then we don't make a site ring. Gee, lighten up a bit, sour puss! Are you or are you not giving Blink permission to authorise myndzi going off and making a merged wiki?
Hey gang, I decided to register over here since I apparently haven't ever done that since HD came into existence. First off, i want to come out and say that i don't have any hard feelings against anyone and I'm really happy to see old wounds starting to heal.
Quote from: caffeine
  • I am neither for or against a unified wiki. I believe people are probably assigning more importance to it than appropriate. The best thing for "tetriskind" is to keep playing and contributing however people feel comfortable.
The argument has never really been for the existing Tetris community (which will probably keep to their respective half of the community - with exception of a few strays who hop back and forth between the two). The argument is mainly for new people who may not even realise there is such a thing as a Tetris community, or that it's split in two halves. People searching for Tetris information are presented with three sites with a mostly identical wiki, which is confusing at best and might turn away people at worst. Unifying HD/TC wikis, even if we can't get rid of Wikia, would be a great step in the right direction.

Quote from: caffeine
  • I think having the hosting being done by those who also host is a mistake, even if it is free.
I think everyone involved here is open to an (ad-)free alternative, that doesn't rely on donations and doesn't go offline for a few days every 6 months.
Quote from: caffeine
  • Blink runs HD's wiki. Whoever it is who runs, runs that site's unauthorized wiki (last I heard, that would be muf and dehacked... who haven't even expressed any interest in the merge so far, from what I can see).
I am completely in favour of shutting down's wiki in favour of wiki merge. I've been stalking this thread ever since it was created and sought out options with myndzi as it developed. "Outsourcing" the wiki out to a separate site would also alleviate a lot of the problems we've been having with integrating MediaWiki into the TC relaunch (which still hasn't gone live after all these months). Ideally I'd like to have some kind of "site ring" (if you've been on the internet long enough to have seen those back when they were a thing) where TC links to HD which links to the Wiki which links to TC and vice-versa. It'd make the friendly feelings among the site administrations involved clear to the outside and make it easy for outsiders/newcomers to find their bearing in the greater Tetris community.

Quote from: caffeine
  • If you guys want a wiki merge, I'd think that you'd ought to be appealing to the above two parties--not me.
tl;dr: While I still do in fact hate that there's this weird ripoff of TC out there and wish it would be crushed and melted, I'd still like to consider those behind it to be my friends. No hard feelings.
Considering that earlier in the thread, Blink said he'd be okay with the merge if you were, and you're now stating that you're okay with it as long as Blink is, does that mean it's on now? I'm just about ready to get out the proverbial champagne, haha.