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Messages - Arcorann

Tetris / JSTris
July 17, 2019, 10:43:58 PM
Quote from: jezevec10
  • More randomizers
    • C2sim - simulation of C2 randomizer, the accuracy study is in this post by Integration
    • One7bag, One14bag - one bag repeated indefinitely
    • BigBlock+7b - standard 7bag, but big blocks may appear, the probability increases with the amount of blocks dropped
    • Repeat+7b - based on 7bag, but each block in the sequence is randomly repeated 1-7 times
    • BSblock+7b - 7bag, but random blocks from different Block Sets may appear (like pentomino or big block)
    • Two block - addition to previously added One block
    • Changes to 7bag & 14bag to reflect sizes of different block sets used (e.g. choosing 7bag option with "All-28" blockset makes the randomizer 28bag)
Out of curiosity, what algorithm is being used for C2sim? (I had a conjecture for the algorithm a while ago that I'm almost certain is correct except for the exact numbers, but I was planning to do a little more research before posting it - which never happened.)
While I'm at it I'll also ask about the other randomisers you mentioned as well. And O-Spin.
I want to see this strategy applied to Zen mode in farter's version of tetr.js (the score for each Perfect Clear increases exponentially with each one).
Tetris / Blockbox Rotation System
January 18, 2019, 03:39:22 AM
Does anyone know of the exact rules behind this rotation system? Unfortunately since the game is dead no-one can check anymore (unless they convince Gamepoint to give up the source code or something), and the sources I've found (e.g. Sisu's Blockbox Manual) are too vague for a reimplementation.
Tetris / the earlier years of Tetris
December 14, 2018, 12:52:35 AM
Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Quote from: Arcorannnecrosaro originally compared the 4 versions here. The post has a zip file attached with all the versions mentioned.
You need a account to download those attachments. Can you attach it to one of your posts here? HardDrop attachments can be downloaded by everybody.

Hm, each second column is grey in his screenshots (I mean those earlier versions without the blue dots in the playfield). I wonder how you get the game running as it was supposed to (purple showed up as pink for me, and dark grey as black).

I wonder if his version IDs (v0, v1, v2, v3.12)  were just randomly chosen or if you can find them somewhere (only in the machine code I assume).

BTW if somebody wants to play the Elektronika 60 version, a download can be found under this Youtube video. Read 3.txt in the zip (basically you just have to run 1 - simh.bat, then 2 - mess.bat and then type run dl1:tetris ).

Regarding the attachment, I've mirrored it offsite.

Regarding the graphics, try running DOSBox in CGA mode (dosbox -machine cga).

Regarding version IDs, they are likely arbitrarily chosen by necrosaro. It's not immediately obvious which order the games go in, as well.
Tetris / the earlier years of Tetris
December 10, 2018, 04:56:17 PM
caffeine: the dates cgwg provided are for E60 Tetris not IBM PC Tetris. I have one of the copies dated 4 April 1986.

Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Well, if you believe all this and previous statements by Gerasimov, then 1984 can only be an invention by The Tetris Company (to celebrate the 25th aniversary in 2009). The decisive parts of the original version of Gerasimov's Tetris story:
I'd like to point out that he switched hosts in 2006 and his Tetris story has been up as far back as 1999.

Quote from: Okey_Dokey
I want to compare the 3 versions of Gerasimov's IBM PC I had on my computer and how they fit in the history.
necrosaro originally compared the 4 versions here. The post has a zip file attached with all the versions mentioned. The file date of what necrosaro calls V2 is 1986-01-25, and in another post they mention getting it directly off Gerasimov's website. At the very least, this provides an upper bound, since the file could have been made earlier.
Tetris / Name the Tetris Client
December 09, 2018, 04:01:53 AM
Quote from: Okey_Dokey
Mkay, since nobody wants to take over: The image URL tells me this game is for the Apple Newton, a personal digital assistant manufactured between 1993 and 1998. Game is probably called Newtris, more information and download link can be found here.

Tell me a Tetris game where the following screen was used:
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--]\\\
Tetris / Arduboy Microcard High Score?
December 06, 2018, 05:49:00 PM
There are a number of endless highscores in this thread on the Arduboy forums. The highest score there is over 12.9 million, so it looks like it's easy enough to survive almost indefinitely.
Tetris / the earlier years of Tetris
December 05, 2018, 06:06:24 PM
I remember some time ago, while searching through various articles on Tetris, I read a comment claiming that the "original" version of Tetris was actually Hungarian, and linked to a page with more information. At the time I dismissed the site as questionable and didn't bother to save the link, so I had to take a while to find it again:

* The comment (on a Slashdot post from 2002)
* "The Great Tetris Conspiracy"

The site has some obviously wrong info (1985?) and doesn't directly address the claims made by the Wikia person, but it does provide corroborating evidence.
Tetris / Randomizers
May 14, 2015, 07:23:44 PM
Quote from: Kitaru
Quote from: bigwig
Interestingly, your 7+1 randomizer was used in TOJ and people liked it.
Let me jump in and say that 7+1 Bag was only featured in the old TOJ, not the newer TOJ (Minna de Tetris) that most players here know and love. Minna de Tetris uses a standard 7 Bag.
Technically it wasn't featured in TOJ at all. In TOJ's 8-bag each bag consisted of a 7-bag plus one random extra piece, which was then dealt fully. By contrast, in the proposed 1+7-bag only 7 pieces from the bag are dealt before replenishment, which provides a correlation of sorts not seen in 8-bag.