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Messages - DonAtreides

Tetris / Twin Galaxies Tetris
October 06, 2015, 09:36:41 AM
Si Su asked me to walk everyone through the new TG submission process as it's a little different than it used to be.

Here's the short version:
1. Create an account on Twin Galaxies and complete the Verification process.
2. Record your game showing console boot-up. Camera is preferred over direct capture, but direct capture is ok.
3. Submit your score by uploading the video using the submission form. Include any other evidence that you have (photos etc.) if appropriate.

After your score is submitted, your evidence package will be "adjudicated" by other members of TG. After enough credible people have approved it, it goes into the database.

Submission points: Basically, in order to submit records to TG you have to spend submission points. The first submission is "free". After that, you have to review other people's submissions to earn submission points. It costs 3 submission points to submit a record and each record you review (including your own) earns you 1 submission point, so it's fairly easy to earn them.

That's pretty much it. If you have any issues, post them here or on the TG forum and I'll try to answer them.
