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Messages - oofw

Quote from: myndzi

Edit: This is getting kinda offtopic, I'm going to report my post and ask for a thread split

l m a o

thanks for the detailed reply... i agree with some things you said but my intentions both of the post i just made and of my previous post were quite different ahaha i didnt mean to launch you so offtopic
Quote from: myndzi
To elaborate a little, the reason it's so efficient is that it makes the right choices at the right times in the right circumstances. A human might see a T-spin opportunity, see that a T is coming up, and set up a TSD, burn a couple pieces, and take the TSD. A bot can easily calculate exactly how many pieces it would be wasting and if there is a better option, so when it does T-spins they are exactly when they are most convenient, using the T as soon as it is available. And when it skips obvious T-spin setups, it's because it can get better effect out of downstacking instead. Plus it can make T-spins very easily so it doesn't really have to keep an eye out for specific situations that 'show up' so much as it just stacks with a mind to creating T-spins when they're useful.

So in short, it 'makes it look easy'

yes i noticed this !

through the past few days i've probably been playing with misa's ai and watching it play for at least 12 hours. here are some more observations - it doesnt go for b2b as often as "pro players" ... very often it clears a line to set up a tspin. as for playing against it , i noticed i do a lot better if i build up a tspin (or a tetris) and wait for it to send me lines because if i send it something immediately it sends it irght back so the best way is to spike it... ive only beaten level 6 twice so i dunnooo...

i appreciate the difficulty of making a tetris ai , i really do! i had been thinking o f making one for my programming course way before i joined harddrop buuut then gave up because i realized how much work it is... any negativity in my previous post was because its playing style (which involves using the piece previews really well) is hard to replicate in real games and i , me myself , was interested in tetris AI to find out what the most optimal playing style is.

let me give you an exampe (these are things i thought about like two months ago):

1. you have different variables emphasizing different parts of the game , like combo , downstakcing,  tspinning at any chance vs waiting for garbage firsst, etc. im not sure how you would set this up im just brainstorming here. sooo then through some method (ie. "particle swarm optimization" or genetic programming... im not really sure how these work , i found them while researching ai methods but theres a lot more info on the internet if you're interested) you generate different copies of your ai and simulate matches against each other. you take the winning styles and change them a little to generate children and have them fight each other again. you do this over and over again. all of this is really complicated but eventually you would get (arguably?) the "best" playing style at the end that wins the most against the other styles

2. let's pretend we're playing so that only 2 or 3 previews is shown. the ai wil be significantly weaker , but most players will not be affected at all. how do you make the ai stronger?

i'm guessing in misa's ai , it randomly selects a list of how the previews can be used , so this is like a branch... and like it gets the field at the end of the branch. for this field , you can make it randomly simulate possible placements for each of the 7 pieces. you do this a few times (so you are " simulating" looking 5 or 6 pieces ahead but you are not ACTUALLY using the next pieces past the 2nd/3rd one. does that make sense?) and you get like a massive tree. then you use a fast evaluation method to get a score for each branch. now you have the original branches and the "simulated branches". for the simulated branches you get the average score and relay it back to the original branch. then you select the best original branch.
here you get the element of randomness and you have it sense whether a situation is good in a way similar to ryan's ai... in short , this gives you a more "humanlike" and less "calculating" ai

im still pretty new to programming so i dont know how easy to make or how well these would work and im not saying misa should do them (he can do what he wants)... im just trying to give yyou guys an idea of why i wrote my previous post like that.
Block With Hole / anime recommendations
July 21, 2013, 01:17:18 AM
i meant recommendations for everyone... so any genre is fine !
Quote from: XaeL
Please code your own tetris ai. Then you can come back to this thread.

whuh ?

edit: didnt mean to put the ai down or anything... i just expected it to do really  cool stuff to be like so efficient
Quote from: myndzi

Scratch that, how about solo play mode? I find that I really just want to study its play, but that's hard when I have to also stay alive...

i took a video of it... it just seems to use the next pieces very well , nothing too fancy... it's good at making 5 or 6 combos.  it's good at finding tspin triple setups.
Arena / Glorious Notorious Tournament
July 19, 2013, 09:33:06 AM
can i sign up ?
question about ai levels... out of curiousity ,  if you made it fight itself how much would each level win by ? (i cant test this out myself because of the randomizer)

i think allowing the user to set a speed for the bot would also be nice , if you plan on developing this game further
surprisingly strong... somewhere around the 10th straight loss i had a vision of a future where humans have been m ade redundant... i trembled in fear...

also the tetris game is very well made (in my opinion)
Introductions / New around here~
July 16, 2013, 12:46:50 AM
yes it is  sad ///  

i read a thread about it before

from what i can gather... the tetris company isnt doing a very good job ?? some more informe dmembers might be able to tell you more... i like tetrisfriends arena myself but i agree it can be improved ~
is it decision tree based or .. something else ?
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

"add me" ... *sniff* :')
General / Hi
July 15, 2013, 01:55:19 AM
Block With Hole / anime recommendations
July 15, 2013, 01:53:35 AM

watching this , its about schoolgirls who have special powers and one of them is one of the 7 "level 5s" and can control electricity. yes its predictable but its AWESOMELY predictable in all the right ways!!
Block With Hole / oofw = ?
July 15, 2013, 01:45:22 AM
hi im still alive :-)

whenevr i get the urge to post i mostly channel it into my blog instead now :-)
