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Messages - Xdarkshadow8

Strategy/Help / Perfect Clear Study - Phase 1
March 19, 2013, 09:40:03 PM
Quote from: Shuey
Well, I hope that this will somehow get people interested in this study again .

Well, just found this (new tetris player, got into the game originally in puzzle pirates (suedo tetris game), then found tetris battle later. now trying to get better). So if you want help solving PCs I definitely can help. I'm a math major so I know a thing or two about this kind of thing. Honestly I'm not all too familiar with how tetris systems work (tetris battle isn't exactly very well documented.... >.<)....

Introductions / New!
March 19, 2013, 09:37:46 PM
Never played tetris much, never had it growing up sadly. Started playing recently when I got tetris battle on facebook. I was okay at it. but then shit happened and I started playing too much, and I got pretty good (in my opinion, don't quite know the benchmarks for good, but know i'm about 4x faster than most my friends). I was refining my skills lately on tetris battle (my friend took up the rubix cube, so I decided I should get good at a different puzzle game lol). Actually now that I think of it I used to play puzzle pirates which has a suedo tetris that I was pretty good at. that's where my interest in it came from (combos on that game are much different though, very fun though). So yeah I was looking to bring my gameplay to the next level, so I decided that a PC opener would be nice to get down, so I searched and ran across a bunch of research done on this site.

So, here I am!