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Messages - LenfaL

Strategy/Help / Tetris Controls
December 05, 2012, 03:44:43 PM
Why do some people have 2 keys for counterclockwise rotation?
Tetris / Tetris Battle Feedback
November 30, 2012, 02:18:58 PM

I would like to report a few bugs:

1. Winning with 5 KOs in 2p will always only hand out 1 star. Since it's a situation of overpowering the opponent, it should give 2 stars at least.

2. After a few games, there's a huge performance drop (causing pieces to move slowly and incorrectly). My personal hardware might be the cause of this, but I have many friends with the same problem, and yet we can all run games like Skyrim flawlessly. I use Chrome and it works fine with everything else.

3. Playing on 2 different computers without ever closing the page: if you gain EXP on one computer, leave the browser open, then start gaining EXP on another computer, and then go play again on the other computer with the outdated information, the game will only save the outdated info. This has caused me to lose levels entirely, though I kept the upgrades bought at the lost levels.

4. The option to turn off bombs resets every time you close the game. If you're used to playing without bombs, you have to set the option every time you start playing, which can sometimes cause undeserved defeats if you forget to set it again.

5. Suggestion: if someone invites you while you are playing, it shouldn't completely block your screen, or it should pause the game. It should also notify the requesting player that the requested player is currently in a game. It's EXTREMELY annoying to be interrupted while playing.

6. Suggestion: add a few lines on the top of the current play space to give vision of the appearing/current piece. When you are reaching the top, you often can't see in what position the current piece is, making it very difficult to place it correctly. Giving vision of that dead area would be a huge quality of life improvement.

That's all I have on the top on my mind.

Thank you!