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Messages - loltris

Tetris / Tetris Battle Feedback
November 08, 2012, 05:49:41 PM
I personally have spent a small fortune (as well as a good amount of time) on Tetris.

First, I bought TDS.
Heck, the only reason I initially bought a DS Lite was for Tetris.
And then, I suffered through tons of videos and surveys to get rubies for max tuning on TF.
I even bought the (old) iPad version as well, just to try it out.
And even there I got shafted, with EA dropping the old version, and asking for new payment on the new version, instead of offering it as a free update.

And then now... max tuning for TB is unreasonably expensive.
I would pay, but it's nothing special either.
Maybe if it had instant AR and/or sonic drop.
But I'm not gonna pay for ANOTHER tetris unless it stands out like that.

And even worse is how EXPENSIVE the price they are asking for max tuning is. It's not even reasonable, it's almost as expensive as all I've spent so far combined.
And I don't even get instant AR or sonic drop for that? No thanks.

And even with those, I don't even think it is worth more than $20.
$25 max.
Tetris / Keyboard speeds on Console tetrises
October 07, 2012, 03:55:50 PM
What's the major reason for 40L times on consoles being so much slower than PC ports?
Is the DAS/ARR that bad in comparison?
Or is it just the clunky controls? (i.e. pad, or stick for those who have it and can play it ala-TGM)

Just wanna know, have you guys tried the Hit Box Arcade controller?
It was originally made with PC "keyboard warriors" in mind (e.g. for people used to playing SF4:AE on PC)

Seems like if controls were the major issue, it could possibly bring keyboard speeds to consoles.