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Messages - charchar_XD

General / hmmm to sing or not
February 14, 2014, 11:30:32 PM
I wonder if someone will complain if say

General / hmmm to sing or not
February 12, 2014, 10:09:00 PM
 Thanks Aaron  
General / hmmm to sing or not
February 12, 2014, 09:22:43 PM
Hey I am still working on writing my own music but so far while it takes me like a long time
to even write a song i been making covers and wondering to keep singing or not?
Would really appreciate if you peeps can check out some songs i sang but i haven't had lessons and i am not perfect but it was worth a shot trying to sing and so far i have 2 followers so please help me out, i would appreciate.

General / Why should we care what bullies say online?
February 09, 2014, 02:59:46 PM
Quote from: ohitsstef
If it wasn't Luminous who pointed it out, i'm sure someone else would've.

But like Kata pointed out there is an edit option, if you want to edit your op then you can. If you don't want to, then that's cool too.

Just a heads up, a lot of people will probably not take the time to read your posts if you continue writing in that style though.

That is fine if they don't and yeah there is an edit but would i know how to fix it? and yeah i know there are others that will judge but that just shows that there will be people that don't worry about them self or just trying to help and yes i do appreciate the help but if it is understandable then i will not waste my time to learn more for those that are picky with grammar. As a joke i call it "Grammar Racist"  ^_^
General / Why should we care what bullies say online?
February 09, 2014, 02:30:29 PM
Quote from: ohitsstef
No more petty arguing please.

@char Luminous is just pointing out that your post is difficult to read and comprehend.

Maybe so stef but still it is considered a little rude to point out others mistakes. Which is like saying saying sorry i don't understand your language please meet up to my level or Write better or don't write at all. But anyway new subject.
Tetris / How did you get your name?
February 08, 2014, 11:14:54 PM
Quote from: ohitsstef
This is why there's an advanced search form. Please use it in the future, I've merged a few of your threads already.

why worry if it's duplicate? Why not let it start for those that were not on this site 5 yrs ago to even know that the forum exist? cause i didn't know there was one from 2010 which is kinda silly to let it hang there and not let others start the topic as well 4 yrs later ? we get new members why not let a subject start up and let the past be the past? I think it would be nice to let others write what they want and not be bugged about it being written already. Like hello 2010 forum who reads it now? new person joins and it is 2014 ? writes it but in their own perspective for the people now to look at. Let subjects start again if needed it is nice to get people talking again even though it relates cause honestly i can't write a forum cause it has been written a different way in the past so yeah i don't plan on writing if i don't know what to write.
Tetris / How did you get your name?
February 08, 2014, 09:50:33 PM
Quote from: FireTstar
There is already a thread like this that exists

Sorry I am too lazy to go that far back in history of threads i can't find to know what has been said
General / Why should we care what bullies say online?
February 08, 2014, 09:48:28 PM
Why care what someone says about you? people on the internet don't know you and just do what they want to feel better about them self. About me I took what was said too seriously and all the mean rumors made me feel hated and like i wasn't a good person, I might not seem like i am nice but who is anyone to judge when they have no clue who i really am like who am i to judge when i don't know you at all? I left charchar acct for awhile cause i felt bad but what i needed was to open my mind and realize that online is your fairy tale story, we have enemies and friends but in life we have it easier cause we can't read anyone's mind on what they think and also why care what others think just be yourself cause in reality we all are a unique beautiful individual person that will always mean something to someone out in this world  

what bullies say just text them lol and carry on with gaming    and if it annoys you just block and refresh your page then boom all the negative you feel is so much is gone but if targeted in the game then don't get mad just realize it is a game and target back for the fun of it or move to a different room if someone is stalking you in that matter well what i do is i take my extra acct that i don't care about and deal with them and also it is good experience if you can't beat the player use that other acct to practice to get better. Hope this advice helps to those that have been in that situation
Tetris / How did you get your name?
February 08, 2014, 09:23:18 PM
Okay My Nickname CharChar is Not in any relation with Pokemon, I was called charchar at home or just char cause it is just short for my real name which you most know is charity  like give to charity haha i was searching through the web to see what the pokemon name was spelled and found my nickname on this site called Urban Dictionary, made me feel better about myself and convince me to play on my first acct more often.

Urban Dictionary

General / Funny Youtube Videos
December 25, 2013, 11:39:03 AM
We all need a good laugh so post what you think is funny that we might enjoy  
General / Music Thread
December 25, 2013, 11:20:23 AM
General / Music Thread
December 21, 2013, 04:39:05 PM
hahaha awesome video Aaron
General / ugh seriously drinking and driving -.-
December 21, 2013, 03:53:43 PM
Quote from: DraKKiE
skimmed the entire video and can't find the girl w/ the blue car in the preview.. very disappointed!

LOL wasn't there for u to find someone hot
General / Music Thread
December 21, 2013, 02:52:54 PM
This song touches me cause i hear rumors what others may say about me that aren't true, well haters gonna

hate but it won't ruin my day so i am gonna jam to this while i game on tf

General / ugh seriously drinking and driving -.-
December 21, 2013, 11:55:08 AM
Quote from: Paul676
the real joke is that it's legal to talk on the phone and drive in most states of America

yeah definitely