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Messages - MasterBait

Tetris / Tetris Party Deluxe Impressions
June 10, 2010, 11:20:31 AM
Thank god, i bought the DS version  
Online is pretty dead at the moment though, it takes forever to find a match. Doesn't help when losers can simply disconnect as they like without suffering any points deduction  
Hopefully things will get better when Japan gets it, but that's like in August...
Anything by Yuzo Koshiro is good!
Introductions / hebo_MAI
July 02, 2009, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: Digital
Nah, hsp30w signed up as hsp here on HD. I remember hearing about an awesome Japanese female TGM player awhile back and hebo_MAI seems to fit the description.

Hsp30w did tell me once that he liked playing Panel de Pon too, believe it or not.
I don't know if that's a coincidence, but i'm not going to comment further haha
Introductions / hebo_MAI
July 02, 2009, 04:29:36 PM
Hebo_Mai is a girl?
I remembered speaking to him (Hsp30w) at TiT chatroom many times, i think he's a guy because he mentioned once that his Dad brought the family TV to his store. Reason was due to his sister laughing too much and disturbing family sleep in the early mornings. I still found that funny. I'm Hayate btw.
Fun times when we chat, but now TiT is gone too...