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Messages - PetitPrince

Strategy/Help / Learning TGM-style sound effects
February 18, 2015, 11:16:58 PM
Quote from: caffeine
Lastly, I'm not a TGMer, but I have heard from a TGMer that most players don't really care about the audio cues when playing. Not sure if that's true or not. Seems like maybe it could help.
It's mostly a subliminal thing, we don't use it conscientiously.
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
September 10, 2013, 01:21:35 PM


vpjun: good thing you upped that thread, I don't have to do thread necromancy.

Quote from: vipjun
looks nice, I like that it can add frames in between where as fumen only added at the end.  This was one of the biggest gripes i had with fumen since if you wanted to add a frame in the middle you would have to redraw all the ones after it. Thanks.
What myndzi said.

Quote from: vipjun
I have 2 UI suggestions, if someone has the time to make the changes.
I doubt that will happen, but thanks for the suggestions.

Quote from: vipjun
- Split the interface controls into Guideline / TGM or basic / advanced.
Mostly just to hide the options on the lower left and bottom that i think would be seldomly used.
Make sense. Right know I'm still coding for myself

Quote from: vipjun
- Larger Matrix - I feel like i'm doing surgery trying to make a diagram on the small matrix. It might be my monitor but fumen is about 4x the size.
Use the text scaling function of your browser (ctrl/cmd + and ctrl/cmd -).

I try to be as WYSIWYG as possible based on my experience with tedige1: having a bigger editor playfield than the final diagram is weird.

It is theoretically possible to make the blocks bigger (and use nullpomino 16x16 or even 32x32 palette), but I'm too lazy/don't have time/not interested in doing it (tedige-core.js: change the canvas height, width and blocksize; change the reference of the file so it uses the 32x32 palette, change the canvas height and width in the viewer and render files).


Anyway, the gif generator (jsgif) I used had a bug that produced weird color. It's fixed now, and the gif generation function looks more like a gif generation function and less like a sad attempt at making animated gif. I also added the support of variable framerate/frame delay.

I'm not at my usual dev computer so I don't have all the toolchain to make the minified version, but at least the dev version is up to that in github (not in
Tetris / tetr.js development thread
April 14, 2013, 05:30:16 AM
Tetris / Finally hit S2
March 03, 2013, 04:11:00 PM
breadfish > if you want to train your high-gravity skills, you can use the 20Gcheat:

Before pressing start,

↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓* , C,B, A

* that's 8 times down

Also, I see Kitaru lurking this topic. Listen and obey to everything he says. He is wise in the ways of TGM.
General / Hard Drop 2013
February 06, 2013, 03:33:20 PM
Corrosive speaks the truth.
Is this still happening or what ?

(previously: I heard there was once a project to merge harddrop's and tetrisconcept's wiki into a single one and asked how it was going. Generally people agreed, there's was some heated discussion on why tetrisconcept is .net and no longer .com and..... HD crashed hard)
One unique, unified, and awesome wiki*.

*and one rip off, but we can't shutdown wikia stuff, don't we ?
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
December 16, 2012, 03:57:17 PM
I've added collision and wallkick support. Also, the fumen converter should work better now (sometime the active piece would be shifted in the wrong places).
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
December 02, 2012, 02:32:28 AM
So Maske told me that fumen import was in fact working.
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
December 01, 2012, 07:22:00 AM
Quote from: Maske
Hmm, it appears that TeDiGe2 can't work properly when importing the Fumen code includes caption
Could you give me the steps to reproduce the bug ?
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
November 28, 2012, 03:04:48 AM
I've changed to way tedige-2 website is managed; it now mirrors the master branch of the project. It changes absolutely nothing for the end user, but for the developers it means that the JSDoc documentation is now available online.

Note to the admins (Blink ?), I don't mind if you delete . Nobody uses it anyway.
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
November 17, 2012, 09:21:10 AM
Quote from: Rosti_LFC
PPrince, on extra thing I think would be cool, and is currently something I think is lacking in these sorts of editors, is a line clear animation of some sort. It makes things far easier to follow imo.
Line clear animations (also totally stolen from jago's work  ) are already present; press play on the third diagram (the one with a death tetrion) in the example page. So actually it's a bit a pain in the arse to do it (you have to manually draw each animation frame), but it's in the backend. Also, it's illogical for someone to pause in the intermediate frames of the line clear animation... maybe for some future versions.

Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Nice to see you're still around too. Has been a while, or at least feels like it.
I have always been around  . It's just that I've got nothing to say and/or am not interested in debating about SRS stuff.
Tetris / TeDiGe-2
November 17, 2012, 07:39:45 AM
True that.
I used the id attribute on the div thinking it was the only valid attribute I could use to store my own data and that I haven't had any other alternative , but then I just saw that you could set up your own data-* attribute in html5. Maybe I'll change that later; currently got to many thing to do for school.
Introductions / Hello from Magnetic Duckling
November 15, 2012, 03:18:36 AM
Quote from: Magnetic_Duckling
You do realize when you say TAP PCB I have no idea what you're talking about right? (noob remember?)
TAP = The Absolute Plus = Tetris the Grand Master 2: the Absolute Plus = TGM2+ = the most easily emulated TGM game to date.
PCB = Printed Circuit Board. In our case, it's the actual hardware that runs the game in an arcade cabinet. In other word: The Real Dealâ,,¢Â®.

Quote from: Magnetic_Duckling
So yea, I tried to play Shirase and I think my brain started malfunctioning...
Ah, Shirase is a major clusterfsck in term of brain processing ^^. I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner, except to get a taste of what is really high level play ^^.
Quote from: Magnetic_DucklingAlso WHY ON EARTH does the T piece fall in the opposite direction compared to Tetris DX, it's like I have to relearn a lifetime of habits... gah
Because it make the game more difficult and interesting

In case you're interested in french TGM resources, check my thread on bouledefeu's forum. There's some silly stuff I wrote some time ago. The tone is a bit too childish to my taste now, but that's a nice compilation of what I've learned on my first years.

Also, Amnesia and I got on Nolife, that geek/otaku TV channel you might have heard of.

For non-french stuff, I recommend this guide. It's all in moonspeakapanese, but the images are very instructive (where's that english translation again?).
Introductions / Hello from Magnetic Duckling
November 14, 2012, 12:06:32 PM
Quote from: myndzitetrisconcept
And half of the newcomers at TC are french/francophone, c'est complètement dingos.