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Messages - Blitz

The best multiplayer Tetris experience I have had was Spaera beta 1.
Beta 1 refers to this version of Spaera:
Spaera still exists, however it is not the same game anymore because the original puzzle mechanics was replaced by different puzzle mechanics due to the developers not wanting to risk a legal battle with The Tetris Company.

In the past I was considering writing a post about why I thought Spaera was such a great game but I lacked the motivation to do it and with the Tetris community being split between so many different games and everyone having different opinions I wasn't even sure if anyone would be interested in hearing what I had to say. This does seem like a good opportunity to share my thoughts on Spaera so I'm going to take it.

Spaera combines elements from puzzle games with elements from fighting games. Because of my experience with Tetris, I was quickly able to figure out the puzzle game part of Speara. A single line clear sends one garbage line, and if you do the math it turns out downstacking is how you maximize your attack per piece and it also helps your survival, therefore you should never upstack, you should just downstack, all the time. Knowing that I could simply treat the puzzle part of the game as a singleplayer downstacking challenge and never have to worry about switching stacking styles or trying to build some sort of attack or anything like that, I was able to play the downstacking game on "autopilot" and focus 100% of my attention on the fighting game aspect of Spaera and that is where all the fun and all the depth is.

The fighting game part of Spaera consists of 8 different characters, each with 4 unique spells. Some have positive effects for yourself and some have negative effects for your opponent. The spells are balanced in a manner that makes different characters able to counter each other in interesting ways. The next queue shows 4 previews and is shared between both players meaning the next player to place their piece gets the piece at the top of the queue. Generally, the best players play at the same speed and fall into a rhythm where each player takes every other piece so it's almost like playing with two previews. Occasionally players opt out of that rhythm in attempt to get a different piece than they otherwise would have gotten or to try and prevent the opponent from getting a certain piece.
Some pieces have orbs in them. You accumulate orbs by clearing lines with orbs in them and the amount of orbs you have accumulated when you use a spell determines which spell you will use.
As a side effect when you use a spell, your current piece and your opponents current piece vanishes and you are guaranteed to get the top piece from the queue and your opponent will get the second piece. Advanced players make use this mechanic to manipulate the next queue and gain some control of who is getting or not getting certain pieces.

The shared next queue and all the different spells and the way the different game mechanics work together allow for quite a lot of strategy and depth to exist. When you're an experienced Tetris player who can play the downstacking game on autopilot and focus all of your attention on the fighting game, your thoughts during a game can go something like: "What spell is my opponent likely to use next? How can I best counter that? That J piece that's coming up looks really good for my downstacking but there is an orb piece coming after that so if I take the J piece I'm giving my opponent a free orb. How much better would my downstacking be if I take that J piece? Is it worth it? How much would my opponent benefit from that orb? Maybe it's better for me if he takes that orb because if he clears it, that would put him on his level 3 spell which means he can't use his level 2 spell as a counter to the thing I am going to do. Is my opponent smart enough to realize that and try to not take the orb, or take it but not clear it?"

What I experienced when I was in the zone downstacking and I had all these deep strategic thoughts flowing through my head is difficult to explain and it's something I have not experienced in any other Tetris game. I have experienced flow in many other Tetris games but this is different, it's like experiencing flow and something else, something profound, at the same time. That is why Spaera beta 1 is the best multiplayer Tetris game I have played.
There are many things I consider good about Spaera, things that have to do with various game mechanics, the pace of the game, the various delays that exists, how the pieces move and rotate and I could write a thousand words about that but ultimately what makes the game good is that experience that I haven't had in any other Tetris game. I wonder if other good Spaera players experienced something similar.
Arena / Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament 2018
April 01, 2018, 01:26:15 AM
HardDrop's tournament organizing team proudly presents the 31st of April tournament.

For those who are not familiar with this, this is an annual event that has been held twice before.
Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament 2016
Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament 2017

This year the tournament is top secret so please don't tell anyone about it.


1st place: Secret
2nd place: Secret
3rd place: Secret

No arena armor.
The room name must be Chaotic Rock Studio.
These two rules are so important we cannot keep them a secret. The other rules are secret and will be shared only with the participants in a secret discord channel.

Streaming and commentary:
The tournament will be streamed in 160p with a pixelating filter and commentated backwards.

Sign ups:
If you want to sign up, you must keep it a secret and fill in the sign up form below in a manner that makes it obvious for the tournament organizers but impossible for anyone else to guess that your intention is to sign up.

Sign up form:

By signing up for this tournament you accept the following terms of service.

Terms of Service:



Your License to Participate in the Tournament

HARDDROPS TOURNAMENT ORGANIZING TEAM gives you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to participate in the tournament provided to you as part of the Service. This license has the sole purpose of enabling you to enjoy the benefit of playing in this tournament as provided by HARDDROPS TOURNAMENT ORGANIZING TEAM, in the manner permitted by these Terms.

Non-disclosure agreement

It is understood and agreed that you may receive certain information about the tournament that is and must be kept confidential. To ensure the protection of such information, and to preserve any confidentiality, it is agreed that
  • The Confidential Information to be disclosed can be described as and includes but is not limited to:
    Tournament rules, tournament prizes, participant list, tournament brackets, tournament results and game knowledge acquired from participating in the tournament such as new T-spin techniques, new openers and new gameplay strategies.
  • The participant agrees to not disclose the confidential information unless required to do so by law.
  • This Agreement states the entire agreement between the parties concerning the disclosure of Confidential Information. Any addition or modification to this Agreement must be made through smoke signals and signed by the parties.
  • If any of the provisions of this Agreement are found to be unenforceable, the remainder shall be enforced as fully as possible and the unenforceable provision(s) shall be deemed modified to the limited extent required to permit enforcement of the Agreement as a whole.
HARDDROPS TOURNAMENT ORGANIZING TEAM may terminate your participation in the tournament at any time, for any reason, without notice.

Tetris / Classic multiplayer (interest check)
September 16, 2017, 10:11:59 AM
I recently made a new game which has classic tetris. It has 3 different singleplayer modes which you can try out in the browser here.
I would like to add multiplayer to this game, however multiplayer is only good if there are other players online to play the game with. So before I decide whether or not it's worth putting a lot of time and effort into this I want to know how many people would be interested in playing this type of game if I were to add multiplayer.

Also if you're interested which of these two do you find compelling?
- A mode where players are sending garbage lines to eachother.
- The ability to play any of the current singleplayer modes side by side with another player and compete for the best score (CTWC style).
Tetris / JSTris
July 25, 2017, 04:02:13 AM
Quote from: Corrosive
It would be badass if you could somehow let us be able to create our own arrangement of blocks/artwork that appears when we die.

I like that idea.

What if, in practice mode there was a button for "Save artwork" and that is how these game over artworks are created?
It would be more challenging than a "draw what you want" kind of thing but it would also be more rewarding when you're able to make something cool.
I also guess this approach would require less programming work than other alternatives because there is no need to create a new system for drawing art here.
Tetris / First Post in a While
July 14, 2017, 04:13:01 AM
The annual Tetrisfriends 31st of April tournaments will continue to happen on Tetrisfriends. You cannot stop it.
Tetris / JSTris
July 08, 2017, 03:07:08 AM
I have a suggestion for the cheese room. Show blocks placed and pps statistics instead of lines received and lines sent.
Strategy/Help / 10 line Cheese Race with B2B's only
June 23, 2017, 09:09:39 AM
I did one with only tetrises.
Arena / Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament 2017
April 01, 2017, 01:59:09 AM
HardDrop's tournament organizing team proudly presents:

The annual Tetrisfriends 31st of April Tournament!

We have decided to make this an annual event due to the great success of last year's Tetrisfriends 31st of April tournament.

After months of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, HardDrop's expert game design team have landed on the following set of rules for this tournament:
•   All matches must be played on the normal arena mode. Our research clearly suggests this mode is much better than expert and expert+ mode.
•   The room name must be "Chaotic Rock Studio". We understand this rule might seem silly, but we politely ask you to respect our decision as we believe this is a necessary step to combat the use of offensive room names.
•   We have changed the win condition. Instead of winning when tetrisfriends say you win, you win by Xealing. If neither player Xeals it's a draw.
•   Our research shows that many players have gotten way too good at spinning T-Tetriminos into T-Tetrimino-shaped holes. To regain control over the T-spin situation we have teamed up with the tetrisfriends developer team and we are proud to announce that instead of spinning T-Tetriminos into T-Tetrimino-shaped holes we will soon be spinning T-Hexadecaminos into T-Hexadecamino-shaped holes!

Fun fact: T-Hexadecaminos have even parity.

We are excited to announce that our team of highly skilled expert commentators will be commentating all matches in both Klingon and JavaScript!

1st place: Exclusive "Xealed it" harddrop forum title.
2nd place: Exclusive "almost Xealed it" harddrop forum title.
3rd place: Exclusive "almost almost Xealed it" harddrop forum title.

Sign ups/additional information:
Sign ups are open until 31st of April 2017. Participation is mandatory.
Tetris / Perfect Clears
March 09, 2017, 12:35:24 PM
When I think about it, the piece you end up with in hold does not have to be of the same kind that you started with as long as it is either J, L or T. For example you can start with a T in hold and end with either J or L in hold.

Are there any sequences in the beginning of a game that are only PC'able when the piece in hold after the initial perfect clear is either I, O, S or Z? If there are, is it possible to encounter any of the non PC'able sequences immediately after any of those opening sequences? If that's possible, then we have proven that infinite 4 line perfect clearing is impossible right?
Tetris / Perfect Clears
March 06, 2017, 10:10:23 AM
Quote from: theRealMadridcf
Looking at the file which I attached, all sequences where the hold piece is T, J or L are PC'able.
So that is proof that any sequence is PC'able if you have either T, J or L in hold at the start of the sequence right?

I think I know how to answer the question if it's possible to make 4-line PC's forever.
Run through all the sequences in the unsolved sequences file but with T, J and L in hold.
We know that all of these must be PC'able now because there is no sequence that starts with T, J or L in hold in the file.
So the question becomes: Are they still PC'able if you have to have either T, J or L in hold after the perfect clear is complete?
If they are, then it is possible to make 4-line PC's forever.

And if some of those sequences does not have a solution that ends with T, J or L in hold, that doesn't automatically mean it's impossible to make 4-line PC's forever. It means we have to check the next few bags and see if we are able to continue making PC's and obtain a T, J or L in hold BEFORE we have a chance to encounter another sequence from the unsolved file.

edit: wait, that doesn't cover all the cases. I think the correct question is: Can you PC any possible bag sequence if you start with one specific piece in hold and also end with that specific piece in hold?
The fastest time I have in the modded finesse game is 25.071.(a note to anyone who may be interested in developing anything 1 key finesse related in the future: people can play significantly faster if you show the current piece inside the matrix as a ghost piece. I'm not 100% sure why but it might be because that allows the player to see the current piece without taking their eyes away from the surface of the stack)

I once made a 1 key finesse game in javascript with some downstacking modes and a 40l mode and I was able to get either sub 23 or sub 22 in that game but I don't have proof because the game doesn't have a replay system.
Quote from: tempaccount
The colors are SRS colors.
SRS is a rotation system. SRS is not a color scheme.

Block With Hole is a gray block with a hole. It rotates like this.
Tetris / Looking for Tetris Clone
December 23, 2016, 07:08:25 AM
Quote from: Shuey
I've not had time to test out the info Blitz gave me, but I'll try to make time tonight.
Don't waste your time with nullpomino.
The problem with using nullpo for this is that you would have to edit rule file, sequence text file, practice mode settings and maps just to create one exercise. Then when you want to play another exercise you would have to edit multiple of those things again, and since these settings are all located in different places there is no convenient way to organize or save and load the exercises. Nullpo was not made for this.

Kevins game is much better suited for what you want to do.
Tetris / Looking for Tetris Clone
December 14, 2016, 12:30:24 PM
Quote from: Shuey
One issue I see already when I try making a custom rule is that all of my pieces are grey when they spawn.  
Sounds like you are trying to make a new rule from scratch. The trick when making a custom rule is to not make a new rule. Instead you open an existing rule that you like and change its rule name and save a as new file. That way you keep all the properties from an existing rule and change only what you need. Much easier and less error prone than trying to configure everything from scratch.
Note: the name of the rules that show up in the menus does not correspond with the name of the file, they correspond with the rule name that you set inside the editor.
I thought this was worth mentioning because it once got me stumped for a while when I made a new rule but failed to find it in the menus because I didn't change the rule name.

Quote from: Shuey
Also, when my three piece sequence ends, it repeats.  I wonder if there's a way to make it end/gameover after the three pieces have been used?
Practice mode has a "goal level" option that lets you end the game after a certain number of lines has been cleared. I think that's as close as you can get without modding. Optionally if you don't want the sequence to loop you can put any non tetromino character into the sequence textfile and the game will give you a monomino. You could paste 50000( characters at the end of your sequence and use that to signal to the player that the game is over.

Quote from: Shuey
I wonder how I could create a playfield in Nullpomino with the rule editor where I can place fixed generic pieces/space that already count(s) as placed pieces (so when adding new pieces, lines will still clear)?
There is no map editor in the rule editor  
Practice mode let's you do this through "use map" and "edit field map". The save and load options underneath allows you to save and load up to 100 different maps.