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Messages - wasmachstdugern

this is epic! i dont have anything to add really but just wanted to support your hard work!
Introductions / dreams come true
February 14, 2012, 12:11:18 PM
thanks a lot. that response was more enlightening than i would like to admit. i have never been consciously aware of momentum but i think i know what you're referring to. one question: does the momentum work the same for both NES/SNES? they certainly don't feel the same...

PS I am going to make the thread you mentioned my new home BTW...
Introductions / dreams come true
February 13, 2012, 10:01:15 PM
I played tetris for years as a kid and recently picked it back up after watching "the king of kong" and learning about twin galaxies. i went there and found i could beat the records on the SNES tetris/dr. mario and was close to tetris on NES so here i am to improve.

i stick to what i know- NES and SNES (tetris/dr.mario). I am in the high 700,000/29 range on NES and 450,000/29 range on SNES. i had no idea forums like this existed and am looking for someone to help me find the right level of primer for someone my level.

thank you all for existing!