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Messages - zryeeye

Introductions / hello
February 13, 2012, 09:04:28 PM
Quote from: pawnzo
Hi! Im pawnzo, Listen to xeal, I was pretty bad at the game and joining the tetris academy made me less bad at the game, they all help u there for the post part, you gotz skype?

yeah ill look into joining soon.
Introductions / hello
February 13, 2012, 01:19:42 AM
hi im zryeeye! fairly new to tetris and harddrop. my favorite playstyle is st stacking and my best sprint time is 1:23. any tips for improvement would be greatly appreciated. thanks
Introductions / hello
February 13, 2012, 01:16:57 AM
hi im zryeeye! fairly new to tetris and harddrop. my favorite playstyle is st stacking and my best sprint time is 1:23. any tips for improvement would be greatly appreciated. thanks