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Messages - tjenyao

Tetris / NullpoMino League Beta has begun!
December 06, 2012, 04:25:57 AM
Umm.. My friend wanted to know, what are the DAS etc etc default settings used in nm league edition? He wants to incorporate it into normal nullpo. Can I have a list please? @Paradox @belzebub or anyone else. Thanks!
General / Post your desktop
August 18, 2012, 10:33:31 PM
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
Tetris / Nullpomino exercise modes
June 13, 2012, 08:17:51 PM
Quote from: XaeL
zero-fault -> 31.
Invisible stuff -> 40

Yayyy  XaeL is practising finesse :O I'm gonna practise it as well then   will try to get a zero-fault+invisible game in a couple months then!
Strategy/Help / Using previews
June 13, 2012, 04:10:11 PM
Quote from: retep
Alright, well I just figured I would give a bit of an update on my progress (I am unsure if there is a thread for this and didn't really want to create a new one). Anyway I just recently smashed my personal best (previously 1:12.86) with a time of 1:05.63 and am now averaging around 1:20-1:25 with times around 1:15 being fairly common. Although I am still working on finesse, I recently found out that I was placing some pieces sub-optimally, despite using the same number of key presses (eg. placing a blue piece in default orientation one square from the left I have been doing: DAS to wall, tap right instead of simply tap left 2 times).

I imagine I could have improved a lot more but I have been spending a lot of time on Diablo 3 (over 110 hours) as well as getting more shifts at work recently. But with the RMAH out I am selling all my items and basically quitting, I am not very satisfied with the game tbh... Hopefully more tetris

Yey, tetris  You're doing a nice job, probably gonna overtake me soon enough  I average around 1:10 now, with a PB single of 58.00  won't be playing so much though these few weeks, have to study. Haha. I should download this mod too, my piece placements are very bad.
Introductions / A newbie!
June 12, 2012, 06:22:08 PM
Hai Jenny  Welcome to HD! So you only play on Arena right? Many users here recommend NullpoMino, TetrisOnlinePoland and Cultris II  They are good tetris clones. *google them *

Do check out the HD wiki (It's like I'm saying that in every welcome message >__>, but I really recommend it just because it helped me out so much.) Very interesting stuff you get in there. Have fun! :3

EDIT: ohmyyy, I watched your "high on strawberry pocky" tetris video, and your voice is super cute me laiks  and also it looks like you play a heckton of other games ._. LoL (Find Rosti_LFC for that, IIRC he's good), TF2, L4D, CS, Minecraft, The Sims 3. So hardcoreeee
Introductions / Hello Everyone
June 10, 2012, 08:35:14 AM
Hii  What tetris clones do you play? Also, take a look at the wiki. It is interesting to read ;D
Hi guys. Just wondering if there's a program/method for one to pick whatever pieces one wants for the first bag. Like for example TSZLOJIOZSJTIL, then I get to play them.

[spoiler]Estrelleta 4:50 i've got no idea, you could just use fumen though if there's something specific you're trying to figure out
Agamemnon 4:50 towards what purpose?
tjenyao 4:50 Hmm
tjenyao 4:51 I want to learn ZT stacking
tjenyao 4:51 And get good at opening with any bag
Agamemnon 4:51 uhm
Agamemnon 4:51 if you wanna get good at opening with any bag, opening with a pre-set first back sounds like counterproductive
tjenyao 4:51 And be able to repeatedly do the same bag
Estrelleta 4:51 in that case, why not just play, haha
Estrelleta 4:51 oh ok
Estrelleta 4:51 well i don't know
tjenyao 4:51 Because if I mess up
Agamemnon 4:52 ooooh
Agamemnon 4:52 I understand
tjenyao 4:52 Then I'll be able to reuse the same pieces
tjenyao 4:52 Yah
Agamemnon 4:52 but honestly, if I were you, I'd just do that in dig challenge or ultra on nullpo
tjenyao 4:52 To make sure I definitely know how to open with that bag
Agamemnon 4:54 the thing is, you want to basically 'pause' the bag selection
Agamemnon 4:54 so you can get it repeatedly til you press play again
Agamemnon 4:55 and I don't think THAT is possible
Agamemnon 4:55 there are ways in which you can have a set sequence of pieces for the entire run of for example 40L
tjenyao 4:55 "set sequence of pieces"?
Agamemnon 4:55 like, the former world record set by lapsilap
tjenyao 4:55 Uhuh
Agamemnon 4:56 you can play the same pieces because belzebub made a nullpo selection where you can choose to play his pieces
tjenyao 4:56 Ooh
tjenyao 4:56 So howz that done
Agamemnon 4:57 probably mad time spent with the rule editor
tjenyao 4:57 And I want to do it like with >100 bags
tjenyao 4:57 -____-
tjenyao 4:57 Nevermind, I'll just ask then
tjenyao 4:57 Thanks!
Agamemnon 4:59 np, good luck in finding out
Agamemnon 5:00 you could just do a tonnnnn of ultra 1 minute runs

Anyone know of a way to do something like that? Thanks in advance
Introductions / Ohai. :3
June 06, 2012, 03:39:29 PM
 and also XaeL, I haven't forgotten you at all  thanks for everything you told me when I was a n00b  
Introductions / hi,all everyone
June 06, 2012, 02:08:27 AM
Hi!  enjoy your stay at HD. Browse through the wiki, I bet you can't finish reading through everything even if you spend 2 days straight staring at your computer screen. Lots of cool stuff dere
Introductions / Ohai. :3
June 06, 2012, 02:01:50 AM
Oh wowwww :3 all the sub-30 people commenting here.  Thanks guys! Hopefully can be like you guys someday

Also hi sensei mario
Introductions / Ohai. :3
June 05, 2012, 08:35:54 AM
Herro guys  looking back, I was so cute  um just posting the vid here to like mark my progress and such, hopefully it doesn't get taken down lol


Strategy/Help / Using previews
May 23, 2012, 04:47:42 AM
Holy, it's retep from speedsolving ^__^ I'm also learning how to do this efficiently. Thanks for the tips guys!
I have a competition coming up and am going to practise this just to annoy people (and also to stand a higher chance to win I guess) ^_^ but the games will be played on TB, with new FB accounts without tuning, so I can has only one preview. :O Say I take as much time as I want to look at stack shape/hold pieces/lookahead etc, is it possible/feasible to get a flawless (as in stacking and combo-ing wise, edit: mostly the stacking part though [oh and I am allowed to toss unwanted pieces ]) game every time? Again, assuming that time is not a concern.

Discuss. Thanks!

edit2: Better still, go try it a few games and post your vids here =P especially the pro 4widers

Was arguing or rather discussing with a RL friend about this, and we decided to settle this matter on HD. So what do you guys think? Plus explanations/reasoning please. Thanks heaps

[spoiler]fake or real + explanation pl0x
Agamemnon5:13looks like a good ST stacking run
Agamemnon5:13zt rather
tjenyao5:13Do you think it's real?
tjenyao5:13Look at his other videos
tjenyao5:13I dunno.. but seems..... fake.
tjenyao5:14What about this?
Agamemnon5:15I'm just not sure what the maximal settings for TB are
tjenyao5:16He'd probably be at least mentioned in HD if he could do stuff like that o_O
tjenyao5:16Not as good as nullpo.
tjenyao5:16This one seems soooo fake.
Agamemnon5:17because nobody on HD ever talks about TB
Agamemnon5:17because it's.. a pretty bad game
Agamemnon5:17oh, that's cute
Agamemnon5:18he's using massi4hs infinite tst setup
Agamemnon5:18thing is
Agamemnon5:18he looks fast and good at spins
Agamemnon5:18but that says nothing about his skills as a player in general
tjenyao5:20True but
tjenyao5:20Argument or rather discussion
tjenyao5:20with a friend, debating the originality of the videos
tjenyao5:20his videos*
Agamemnon5:20it's possibly real, possibly bot
Agamemnon5:20but probably not bot
tjenyao5:21So you think it's real. Fine 1-0
Agamemnon5:21basically, if you repeat those endless patterns, like zt and inf tst
Agamemnon5:21you place the other pieces in specific spots/ways
Agamemnon5:21which means you can stack it really fast compared to freestyling it
tjenyao5:22But you've casted your vote
tjenyao5:22Thanks a lot.
tjenyao5:22Now I'll have to wait for others to come on
Agamemnon5:22post it on the forum instead?
tjenyao5:22Guys do you think this is real or bot/fake? And explanations thanks a lot.
Agamemnon5:22it'll probably turn into a bunch of spam
Agamemnon5:22but people might add their view and reasoning
tjenyao5:23Lol HD [/spoiler]
Tetris / "Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations
January 27, 2012, 03:59:02 AM
I'm not posting here until I sub-30 for 40L. Which will take AGES.