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Messages - meow

Arena / Hard Drop Open VIII [Cultris II]
March 13, 2017, 05:24:11 AM
Feels like the results are tainted no matter what happens.

I enjoyed the matches I got to watch and I'm sure everyone who watched at the time enjoyed them as well. Slickalei vs leilickan and leilickan vs Promouse, in particular, were great.

Btw, is this tournament special in that two bots are given out? I thought past tournaments had the bot for first prize and the ingame achievements for second and third.
Tetris / Randomizers
May 13, 2015, 07:04:01 PM
The bag randomizer is as easy as it can get.

For single-player, some of the modes have turned into rote memorization of patterns (ST/ZT stacking). These modes have lost the puzzle aspect of Tetris. It sucks that single player has devolved into repeating setups infinitely.

For multiplayer, the consistency of the pieces in the bag randomizer lets players stack their desired opening pattern almost every time. I don't know what players think of 3/4-wide opening strats at the moment - maybe the community shuns it or it's not effective anymore - but this could be a factor when considering the randomizer. Aside from the opening, the randomizer is quite nice for the current VS rules - combos and Tspins are well-balanced.

My opinions on multiplayer are based only from watching TOP and TF 1v1.
Tetris / Phantom Mania Cleared
May 04, 2015, 03:39:43 AM
Hi QM, grats on MM.

Would it be possible to post the replay of this run?

I would very much like to study the run and actually see what's going on.
Tetris / TOP line clear delay cheat/patch
April 04, 2015, 08:49:48 PM
Quote from: XaeL
Quote from: Alexandra
if you say it wasn't you, it wasn't you. but whoever you got that from, knew what they were doing.
iirc, there is no way to modify the attack tables client-side short of memory editing.

Hey Xael, you're right.

Sorry for the drama, Blitz and all.  

I was mistaken because I had seen a line that said AttackPerfectClear = 80, and it was reinforced when I did PC (with a combo or doubles etc.) and saw more lines sent.
Tetris / TOP line clear delay cheat/patch
April 04, 2015, 01:01:02 AM
Quote from: ohitsstef
Quote from: djackallstar
Quote from: Blink
It's been brought to my attention today that many players are using a patch to remove all line clear delay from TOP.  Since this gives an unfair speed advantage, I'm making the file public here so people who aren't aware of it can play on even ground.

This should have been made public to the entire Tetris community long ago, yet this is the first time I've even heard of it.  To me, keeping this to yourself IS cheating and would be no different than if someone removed line clear delay from Tetris Friends.  I'm disappointed.  Where is the honor?
The file you're looking for has been moved or deleted.
Does anyone have a backup?

Yeah! Patch isn't there anymore. Does anyone else have it?
Also can I get the patch to remove the sparkle line clear effect?

If you want the separate no line clear delay and no sparkles patches for whatever reason, you can find them in the TOP FAQ thread.

Note that the Wonderland version sends 8 lines for a perfect clear instead of 6. Edit: this is not true.
Tetris / 18.91
April 03, 2015, 07:02:19 PM
That was incredible. It's great seeing the WR being beaten so many times in such a short time frame.
Tetris / 18.95
March 31, 2015, 02:05:50 AM
Congrats kero. What a critical perfect clear!
Tetris / Coffee with Corrosive
March 06, 2015, 03:05:35 PM
I thought the Java applet version lags. Why not use the downloaded client?
Tetris / Coffee with Corrosive
March 01, 2015, 01:39:52 AM
To me, the biggest difference between old school tetris and official tetris nowadays is the bag randomizer. With the bag randomizer, the game has become much simpler. You are repeatedly given the same bag of 7 pieces, in a mixed order. Setups are easily reproducible; forming Tetrises is hardly challenging. Because of this, Tspins, combos and perfect clears had to be introduced. The "easy" garbage is a side effect to keep the game from ending fast due to the substantial increase in attack power. The game is simply different. Whether it's fun comes down to each individual.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]There is so much skill involved in smart stacking, speed, and effectively downstacking - no need for this new generation junk.[/quote]All of these skills do exist, but they are in a different form that you are not used to.

Cultris 2 would be suitable for you, judging from everything you've said.
Good community ✅
Speed ✅
Downstacking ✅
Smart stacking ✅
Suitable for teams ✅
Ranking list ✅

I have to wonder, why haven't you tried it?

If the combo system has deterred you, I should point out that the only combo you need is the one for the opening, which can be as simple as a 2-wide. You can win purely from speed, smart stacking and some downstacking.
Tetris / NullpoMino: League or 7.5?
February 14, 2015, 02:34:15 AM
League doesn't have instant soft drop if I remember correctly.
Introductions / Greetings
February 02, 2015, 05:58:06 AM

That's very dedicated of you to get your hands on a real TGM1 board! I'm sure members here can help you set up your board if needed.

Nullpomino has TGM modes as well. The Grade Mania modes are based on Master mode. The Speed Mania modes are based on Death and Shirase.

Another popular option is Texmaster. See this thread.
Tetris / TOP crash
January 30, 2015, 05:19:32 PM
You are using the Tetris Online Wonderland patch, which, as Lucho said, has different backgrounds  and sounds. I had crashes in Driller with TOW as well.

I suggest using the original TOP with this no line clear delay patch.
Quote from: morningpee
01-07-2015 at around 10:08 AM UTC.


Player is Qlex

AGDQ is awesome!

The link morningpee posted has the stream times displayed in your local timezone. Be sure to check that out.
Tetris / Why guideline Tetris is broken
January 02, 2015, 11:21:17 PM
Play Cultris
Strategy/Help / Cultris 2 settings gone
November 21, 2014, 06:53:50 AM
Cultris 2 stores its settings in the registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\gewaltig\cultris. You can save your settings by exporting that key to a .reg file.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs is where Java keys are stored. It's possible that the Java update modified the registry.