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Messages - Azkalz

Tetris / Recent update in Tetris Battle on Facebook
January 06, 2012, 04:30:52 AM
My Tetris Addiction Come Out when i started to play TB...
I enjoy it...most of the time...just remove the LUCK FACTOR please
My Suggestions:

1.Creating Teams or groups where you can share your tips and techniques and for more cooperative gameplay.

2.Making TEAM BATTLES... for example 3 vs 3 where you can have allies. no tetris platforms have ever done it ( I think ) and summing up the lines sent and ko's of each team members and featuring the top player

3.Create a Profile Page for Each Players so other people on the web can see their stats even they dont look at the leaderboard

Thats all...i hope you read this and give it a try
Hi Im just New Here im really fond of playing tetris...i just recently download nullpomino in my laptop...i hope u can give me tips ...and oh if u want to add me in facebook my email is