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Messages - fate616

Strategy/Help / Seeking Advice! Please & Thank Yous!
December 23, 2011, 04:35:40 PM
Hey guys!

I've been trying to get faster & better at Tetris, but it's a lot harder than it looks! I started playing tetrisfriends with it's default key with space being hard drop so i am so used to it, but i've read the control section of this forum and most people remove space bar from hard drop. i tried doing that, but my speed went down drastically. my question is, why does space bar slow you down? is it because of our thumb being slower? will it be as fast as our other fingers if we keep using it? lots of things i don't understand.

I want to be faster, but i don't know how T_T. i keep using 1 button to rotate my pieces and i think that may be what's slowing me down? tips and advices will be greatly appreciated! I also notice most people use the L pieces and have them facing upwards as oppose to laying down. why is that? i thought combinations such as LO, JO, LOJ, JSL, would be a good thing?

thank you lots & happy holidays! =)