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Messages - Someone2knoe

Strategy/Help / Create your own twist setups
November 12, 2010, 08:39:12 AM
Yes, they work.

Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 11:35:41 PM
All the things I mentioned are hooks. They tell people about the game and addict them. Any game would be unsuccessful without hooks. You can't run on gameplay alone. And as many people notice with TF, quality is also important. Don't think that its one or the other, you need both.
Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 11:06:29 PM
Ah well, the point is there can be changes made with nullpo that would increase popularity.

The one thing TF is good at is making the game presentable. They really know how to hook people. The thing they are missing is good quality game play.

Nullpomino is at the other end of the spectrum, it has excellent quality game play. But it lacks the people-friendly things.
Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 10:59:17 PM
Quote from: Wojtek
I don't agree. Sure there are areas where nullpomino can be improved. But at this point i don't believe any changes in program will increase number of users. Sometimes i feel i'm only one who like this game.

wtf, whats next? maybe we should replace multiplayer with fake multiplayer (ala tf), avarage tetris player is so stupid he wont see any diffrence, and won't be pissed off because nobody is online.

There is no need to be so negative. You are doing a great job with Nullpomino. It is very satisfying for the hardcore players. The large number of players can only come from casual players. But it is still possible to have a game that everyone enjoys, regardless of how much they care about tetris.

What makes TF popular:

1. Advertisement: Many sites link to it, they do what they can to get their game out there (Facebook etc)
2. Website Name : If someone wants to play tetris they will likely type , Also it is the first thing that pops up when you search tetris in a search engine.
3. Browser Based : Its an easier and faster way to access a game when it is browser based and you don't have to download anything.
4. Interface : It is extremely simple on TF to know where you are going. And the interface isn't too bad looking either, its organized and colorful
5. Simplicity : Everything is made simplistic when it comes to the settings and choosing a game mode. Everything has a description that tells you exactly what the goal is. Settings that are more complex are under an advanced tab.
6. Achievements: People will play longer and stay on longer if they working toward a goal, even if the goal wins them nothing. Just think about what people talk about all the time on TF. Missions, Rank, etc.
7. Shop: Similar to achievements, it takes time to unlock things. While I think they go a bit overboard, subtle unlocks are okay. Its fine to unlock backgrounds, music, sound effects, and mino skins. People work toward these things. People take pride in how much currency they save up.
8. Profiles/Accounts/Avatars: When playing online games, people like to develop an image for themselves. They do this through their username/ avatar and the creation of their profile. The profile also serves a purpose by bragging all the achievements.
9. Friends: You can make friends on TF, you can know when they are on and you can send them messages. People will be encouraged to play when they see their friend on.
10. Incentives: When you log in consecutively you get to play the slots. By signing up you get free tokens. By winning games you get more currency. People like this stuff.

These are just some ways that give it some popularity. You could leave some out that you don't like and still gain some popularity with Nullpomino.
Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 10:33:38 PM
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]you should probably be familiar with... how that game behaves.[/quote]
Requiring prior knowledge seems a bit unfriendly to new players in my opinion. There is no easy way to tell exactly what each rule does.

I still disagree with you in some ways. But I think we at least agree that the controls should be altered in some way. You have to at least agree that the A-F thing is confusing for people. That needs to be resolved in some way.

Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 02:28:05 PM
Quote from: lmartins
Would it not be possible to display the key the user has mapped for that function?  

So if A is Start and user has A mapped to Z, could the screen not say press Z to start ?

I think maybe this is what s2k is saying.

That is one part of what I am saying.

Reasons why A-F should be avoided:

1. A-F buttons are easily confused with Keyboard A-F buttons.
2. It often says things like "Press A to Start" so you have to memorize what keyboard button you set as A-F when starting/practicing/retrying. (Memorizing controls should only be for game controls. Even then there shoul be an easy way to display/change your control settings in game.)
3. You have no idea what A-F does in game without already knowing the rule or testing it out.
4. When you change rules A-F can change functionality, the only way to tell how it changes is to test it out or know the rule already.
5. If you want your controls to stay the same for every rule (A is clockwise, B is counterclockwise etc.), you have to go back to your controls and change it each time you change rules.

Using the control settings I suggested:

1. If it says "Press A to Start" you literally just press A on your keyboard.
2. You already know what button is clockwise/counterclockwise etc before entering the game.
3. When you change rules you don't have to guess what your controls changed to.
4. If you want to change your controls for a certain rule/ game you can simply use a preset.

Note that a lot of this is from the perspective of someone new to playing nullpo, which an important perspective to account for if you want more players.
Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 01:57:42 PM
Quote from: Zircean
I think I'd find it pretty confusing if my "clockwise button" suddenly turned into a counterclockwise button when I changed my rule...

Read what I said about presets. I italicized it for you.

And it shouldn't change for rules, clockwise would be clockwise in any rule. If you wanted clockwise to be different when you use another rule, change your preset.
Tetris / Why hasn't Nullpomino netplay expanded?
November 02, 2010, 12:55:24 PM
Here is what I suggest the control setting be like:

Default Preset : [Your preset]

Game Settings                     1st key       2nd key         3rd key
Left    :                            [Your Key/ Joypad Button]
Right  :
Clockwise  :
Counterclockwise   :
180 :
Hold :
Hard drop :
Soft drop :
Instant drop :
Start :
Quit  :  
Retry :
Pause :

Navigational Settings
Up :
Down :
Left :
Right :
Select :
Exit :

Save Preset
Load Preset    [Your list of presets]

Lets say you set (on your keyboard)
start to X
quit to esc
Retry to R

It will say "Press X to start"
and in tiny letters on the side it could say "Press Esc to Quit"
and "Press R to retry"

Also note there are presets, you could set presets for when you use different rules. In the game menu you could change your preset.

And I also included 1st -3rd buttons for any control that you want to have multiples of.

I find this a lot less confusing don't you? Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has never played arcade or with a joy pad.
I don't even know who you are tbh.
Quote from: jujube
i don't even see the point of this thread. nothing in Wojtek's first post is fact-based. it's been designed out of anger to make other people angry. what the hell is the point of this.

I agree it was out of general frustration with TF. But a lot of the frustration is fact based even if he doesn't mention it. I'm sure hes just getting pretty fed up with all the BS. Its okay to try to make other people sympathetic to your cause.

The point of the thread anyway is that he thinks TF is making things worse for the tetris community. I don't agree that they making it much worse, but I feel like they could be doing a lot better of a job. Like I said, if only they spent as much effort as people do on the clones. It is possible to please hardcore players and casual players.
General / Fumen Flipbook/Stories
November 01, 2010, 08:21:14 PM
The story of i

Chapter 2


Oh no what will happen next!?


Is t a boy or a girl?

Last trivia:

Q)What will happen to i next?!
A)Well its obvious! You just watched Chapter 2. He didn't fall through that hole you noob.
Arena / Standard tournament format?
November 01, 2010, 08:00:01 PM
Tetris Friends

Ease of Access

General input problems (very horrible)
Tuning settings must be unlocked which requires either real money, a lot time doing surveys, or tons of play time.
Tuning settings aren't specific, but rather presets
Significant line clear delay (A big factor when downstacking)
Game Rooms can't be specific but are generated from preset names.


Tuning settings are very specific and don't need to be unlocked.
Game works very smoothly and allows for advanced and speedy gameplay.
No need to unlock anything.
Generally there is a bunch of customization
Instant Auto Repeat if desired~!
Rule Lock if desired

Somewhat more difficult to understand controls when setting them up. Changes have already been made to make this easier.
Must be downloaded.
Strategy/Help / Create your own twist setups
November 01, 2010, 07:37:14 PM
It seems like they did it purposely then from my understanding. Why is your argument that it is a game bug that needs to be fixed?

I would agree that the kicks get pretty drastic from that table. Maybe we should find out their particular reasoning before making assumptions. I think I understand a lot of the concepts regarding how it works now. If they had no particular reasoning for making such drastic kicks we should get rid them, because it seems inconsistent with the single rotation kicks from my new understanding. No offense maybe if you initially tried to fully explain the situation I would have understood your argument a lot more. It is still questionable to me whether it should be changed because I still don't see it as wrong. The mechanics of the game is what makes the game. It is just like having a hold key. I have heard some players say that using hold is cheating. It is just a game mechanic that is inconsistent from what they have played before. It isn't necessarily right or wrong. Because wall kicks shouldn't differ too much in the way it works for clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, the argument I see is for consistency.

Random tangent:
In a sense we have a bunch of tetris games, but the games are different games. While it is all tetris-based, the mechanics in the games make them totally separate. Many people have pointed out that playing games like 40L is not helpful. 40L is a game in itself. So in many ways there are no "better" games. The exception I see is in games like TF. Nullpomino can pretty much emulate TF but with better coding. Lag is significantly reduced, players are not limited by frames but rather can play as fast as they can think and their fingers can move. I am not arguing that speed is all that matters, but to play as fast as your potential is important. Another point about Nullpomino is that the inputs are not randomly rejected like TF. The targeting system is unfair because it can lead to purposeful targeting.

That is how I distinguish between something that is good or bad and better or worse in tetris.

Anyway let this thread be on topic now. The next posts should be pertaining to : Create your own twist setups. I'll start off by sharing one that I use that I forgot to put in the wiki.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--] I haven't seen you do anything in a while. Maybe you should submit a resume.[/quote]  

I think that is completely disrespectful toward Wojtek. He has contributed so much to tetris and this community.  If TF put as much effort into the game development as Wojtek and others have we would have something amazing.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]    Contrary to popular belief, only the compusively obsessed multiplayer Tetris community is hurting.[/quote]  

I disagree.

Anyway, all I want is a game that can encompass casual players and hardcore players. TF can fix a few things to make that possible. Refer to Blink's petition if you want to know what things I think need to be changed.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I've made this point before and it still holds true today. This community (harddrop) holds an elitism that does not accept casual players. [/quote]

It was just an observation that most casual players are uninterested in anything tetris related besides just playing the game. I don't blame casual players for that.

Also don't speak for the community as a whole. You are part of the community and so are casual players. I would tend to disagree with such a general statement.