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Messages - Samael

Tetris / [Lockjaw] 40 Lines and & 180 Seconds
June 27, 2009, 09:24:07 PM

Cleared 40 lines at level 40
on 2009-06-27 at 21:20
Played 103 tetrominoes in 0:54.78 (112.80/min)
(active time only: 0:50.01, 123.55/min)
Pressed 430 keys (4.17/piece)

Made 40 lines
(single: 10; double: 6; triple: 2; home run: 3; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)
Sent 23 garbage (25.19 per minute)
Left 8 blocks behind

LJ score: 8600

Well: 10x20, Enter: Above
Speed: Zero, ARE: 0 ms
Randomizer: Bag of Tetrominoes
Hold: On, empty, Rotation: SRS+initial
Lock: Move reset, Deep: Off
Line clear: 0 ms Naive, Gluing: Off
Drop score: None, T-spin: 3-corner T
Garbage: Off, DAS: 133 ms Instant
Soft drop: 1G Slide, Hard drop: Lock
Shadow: Fainter color, Next: 6

I don't even know how I did this... my stacking was horrible in the beginning of this game.
Introductions / Heyyy
June 27, 2009, 08:19:20 PM
Hi. My name's Tiffany, but I also go by Samael, Tiff, Tiffy, and a variety of other nicknames.

I got into Tetris about half a year ago because I somehow ended up in a game of Tetris DS against a few people... including my boyfriend (now of three months), Kevin B. Upon getting my butt kicked, I started playing other Tetris in my free time. Now I mainly play a few modes in Texy and 40lines in LJ.
Outside of Tetris, I spend my time writing, drawing, playing video games, running, and playing basketball.

I was on TC for just a few weeks before it was shut down. Hopefully this website will be just as great of a success :)
