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Messages - Mule

Arena / Unreliable Tournament Players List
August 07, 2012, 09:51:51 PM
Damn, I would not have thought that Tetris could ever become so serious to the point where a black mark would be entitled to whoever is unreliable for a tournament. I feel like people are going to be ostracized or segregated and eventually groups and clans will form. This is going to be intense--I'm sure of it.

EDIT: Dude wtf? Did someone revive a necro-topic? I just read up a couple posts and XaeL posted at Nov 6 2011, 04:29 AM. Crap.
Tetris / Google Chrome and Tetris
August 04, 2012, 03:02:37 PM
Alright, so I guess using another browser is going to be the solution for now.

Many thanks,

Tetris / Google Chrome and Tetris
August 04, 2012, 03:19:27 AM
Hi HD Members,

    I have noticed a drastic change in the performance for the flash player in Google Chrome, and I am quite perplexed about this current situation. The gameplay on TetrisFriends is unbearably slow--moving frame by frame--and the same applies to Tetris Battle on Facebook. This sudden problem occurred on August 1st of 2012 for me, but I am not definite if the same problems have arisen for anyone else. The issue concerning Google Chrome and its flash player being slow is not a huge deal because a simple change of the browsers (switched temporarily to Firefox) can overcome this problem; however, I am wondering if there is a way to solve this problem.

    If people are wondering, yes, the flash player on my Google Chrome is updated (checked About Google Chrome), and I have also manually checked if there is a new release for the flash player. The answer came out to be a negative, and I have also tried other methods of improving the gameplay for Tetris such as the following: clearing cache, clearing browsing history, clearing download history, terminating all extensions, ending useless programs on Task Manager, playing on incognito mode, disabling my antivirus, etc. As one can see, I have tried quite a bit of actions in an attempt to improve the gameplay, but to no avail--not the slightest change in performance.

    As for now, Firefox will be my best friend (previously was, but I switched to Google Chrome, and now it sucks ass), and TF/TB no longer lag as much.

Note: This is not an advertisement for people to switch from their browsers to Mozilla Firefox in any way, but to ask how this Google Chrome problem can be resolved.  



NOTE: OH CRAP! I was planning on copying and pasting this to Notepad so that I can post this into the Tetris Section! Many apologies! No bans or warnings please.

NOTE2: Technically this is for ALL flash-related applications, so I suppose it can belong here as well.


Strategy/Help / preview processing etc.
July 25, 2012, 06:33:11 AM
Practice, practice, practice. Oh, and play a lot of multiplayer--it is more fun, competitive, and you do not want to be forever alone (just saying). Eventually the practice from playing multiplayer will kick in for 40L races.
General / Typin'
July 25, 2012, 06:25:33 AM
100+ to IDK wpm

TypeRacer can get buggy, one time it said I was typing at ~400 wpm.
Tetris / Tetris Friends - Adblock Question
July 05, 2012, 08:00:52 PM
Quote from: Blink
Whenever I use easylist the game gets stuck on "loading" and never actually loads.  Fanboy's list works fine for me though.  Are you using multiple blocklists combined?

I wasn't using multiple block lists; however, the problem seems to have finally fixed. I guess either the TF crew took notice (probably not because TF wants people watching their advertisements) or Adblock decided to take action.

Tetris / Tetris Friends - Adblock Question
June 23, 2012, 03:35:33 PM
u just gotta use different ad filter

Which ad filter are you suggesting? The different filters from Adblock? I tried Fanboyz and EasyList.

I guess this problem is not that bad. 30 seconds of waiting will not kill anyone, but it does get annoying.
Tetris / Tetris Friends - Adblock Question
June 23, 2012, 04:54:16 AM
So I signed onto TF almost a week ago, clicked Arena, and I was left with a "This game is brought to you by:" text and a grey screen that would constantly load. I thought, "Adblock, dammit," and I went to get Adblock Plus which unfortunately did not work either. The symptom was the same for the three browsers that I have tried (Chrome, Firefox, IE). Anyway, I disabled Adblock, waited the 30 seconds, and asked some people if they were having the problem as well. A few said "yes," and the rest said "no," so I am confused about what is happening. I decided to search on Google and the TF crew said that they had an update recently, but that does not explain why some people are having troubles and some are not. Anyway, my question is: Is there a way to get rid of the TF advertisements? Thanks  
General / TPM & WPM
November 23, 2011, 12:18:26 AM
My fastest WPM was on TyperRacer and it was like 162 WPM (2 years ago), but my average WPM is about 120-140. As for TPM, I am really slow.
Tetris / "Next Piece" Player Spotlight Nominations
November 23, 2011, 12:15:28 AM
When I first began playing again (3 months ago), my 40L time on Tetris Friends was like ~1:20-~1:30, but then about a week ago, I went began playing NullpoMino and my fastest time was about ~1:05-1:06. Finally, I played 40L on TOP and my fastest time was 1:02:xx. Unfortunately my TF account was created several years ago, but I never took the gaming seriously, so that might null my achievements. I didn't touch a single Tetris game during those times I had the account except for maybe 1-2 times to see what the game Tetris was like. I also didn't know about NullpoMino (1 week ago) or TOP (4 days ago) until some Tetris players told me about it on HardDrop, so thanks to those who told me about those two programs!
Arena / NOT bee's NullpoMino Tournament
November 21, 2011, 10:28:54 PM
What if... you suck?
Introductions / Mule Here
November 21, 2011, 10:17:06 PM
Hello everyone,

I am Mule. I know I am a couple days late for creating a topic in the Introduction section (account created on the 17th), but I know you guys won't mind. I play Tetris Friends and my account name there is FreeMuling. My fastest sprint time on NullpoMino is ~1:04:xx, and my fastest sprint time on TOP is ~1:02:xx. I'm not the fastest player, nor am I the best player.

Goal here: Increasing my speed (accuracy comes later)  
Strategy/Help / Tetris Lessons
November 16, 2011, 11:00:52 PM
Hello, I need some lessons on Tetris please! I do not know my strengths nor do I know my weaknesses--I kind of just play...

Anyway, I'll send a PM to you with my NullpoMino Nickname and Skype Name