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Messages - Barefootford

General / Book on Modern Tetris
October 05, 2011, 08:47:10 PM
Quote from: DarthDuck
I decided to write a book on Tetris. This might take me a few years, but I want to do it right. I will probably just called it "Modern Tetris", but I tend to change my mind a lot and would be happy to hear any ideas for titles, as silly as you think they may be.

There apparently is only one book like this in existence, and so far it appears to be a failure that is only available on Kindle.


As far as feedback, ANYTHING will be received with gratitude and acknowledgments, but I need particular feedback on the following:

1. How to market this to as broad of an audience as possible while keeping the bulk of it interesting to a seasoned Nullpomino overlord.

2. What sections are needed and how to arrange or proportion them to make the book as interesting

Hey man it looks like you have a really good thing going. Everything looks 'money. It does seem you've bit off a lot, but if you're planning on going to law school I'm sure this will be a tiny work load in comparison.

Also, as far as print versus Kindle only goes, it used to be a huge process to have a book to go kindle, and vice versa. Today though, it's basically a click and a half on the publishers end. I didn't think there would be a huge market for small guide's to Tetris, so it's just Kindle. Maybe that is a mistake on my part.

Tetris can be tricky to write about because many of the strategies don't lend themselves very well to text. I think this explains why many of the best free guides to Tetris are so visuals-heavy. I do like books and text as a medium to learn, but with something as interactive as Tetris, I think a truly modern guide to Tetris should probably be done through video. Just sayin'.

If you want to talk shop or whatever, I'm on Twitter as @Barefootford.
