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Messages - qwerfsad

Tetris / new to tetris
August 27, 2011, 07:57:10 PM
thanks for the quick response. is there a difference between battle2p and arena on tetris friends? and also i remember reading somewhere there are some limitations to the spinning of tetris pieces on facebook tetris. like u can only turn pieces clockwise or something so there are moves u can do in one tetris game where u can't do in facebook tetris. does this sort of thing exist?

oh, and is the "zt stacking" build common for competitive players?
Tetris / new to tetris
August 27, 2011, 07:43:46 PM
so i was introduced to tetris (just casual, nothing serious) on facebook where i played tetris battle for fun with some of my friends. i'm around rank 25 right now on tetris battle on facebook just stacking with a space in the last column and just sticking the long piece in the end. anyways, i stumbled upon some videos on youtube of people using a really interesting style here

and i ended up making another account to try it out. so i was wondering if a lot of people use this t spin oriented build... it looked cool and i want to get good at it. is there a better way to go about doing it other than just playing games and practicing?

also, since i'm new, is there a place i should look to get me started with competitive tetris? the threads here seem rather complicated with a lot of vocabulary/abbreviations that i'm not really familiar with. and where do people usually play? i'm willing to spend time to learn and get good.
