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Messages - thelulz

General / What happened?
August 12, 2011, 12:06:42 AM
I wanna tell you 'bout a newbie that's been plaguing the forums
He's like the the veteranest newbie, but he acts like the quorum
In charge of handing out l33tness like it's kept in a basket
But he shares it with noone, not even if you ask it

Now I hear he once was better than the average player
He gained a reputation but I wouldn't place a wager
Whether hither or yon, I've only ever seen him quit
In a flurry of curses after getting a bit

Co-co, Corrosive
He'll tell you that he's great until he's blue in the face
You know I've never really seen him win a game, though
Co-co, Corrosive
He thinks he was an ace, that he'll put you in your place
You know I've never really seen him earn his fame, though

When he posts in a thread, you know there's nothing to read
It's all in his head, and though he's preaching the creed
I don't know any converts, I never did see
Anybody put effort into "getting like me"

I'll give him some credit, he can play pretty fast
But it's counteracted by the way he talks out his a**
And maybe just a little bit by how he never stacks clean
But I shouldn't make fun, 'cause it really is mean

To talk a big pile of sh** about his sh**ty a** stacking
When there's better things to rip on; I don't mean to send him packing
But his natur'l inclination is to cry and run his mouth
And so before he even gets there I'mma get the ʞɔnɟ out

Co-co, Corrosive
He'll tell you that he's great until he's blue in the face
You know I've never really seen him win a game, though
Co-co, Corrosive
He thinks he was an ace, that he'll put you in your place
You know I've never really seen him earn his fame, though

I've never really seen him win a game, yo