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Messages - Nicka16

Arena / Semi-Pro Tetris.
May 06, 2011, 12:20:40 PM
Quote from: XaeL
When they said rank limit they meant minimum not maximum.

Also, i am a rank 10 Tetris friends player, may i please join? I will post my account details later, i don't play tetris so often so maybe i will make a new account.

I actually did mean level ten maximum. This is meant for people who aren't quite "there" yet. People like myself. I really wanted to participate in a tournament but I would get destroyed given that I could even qualify. I figured I wasn't alone. I have four out of eight people in (I know them). No one on this list accept for Xael and nakaji are in. So as a total we have five of eight spots filled.
Arena / Semi-Pro Tetris.
May 05, 2011, 07:07:10 PM
I'm going to put the arena level limit at ten.Preferably about or equal to seven. If you're feeling daring go for it from five and up. Please list your current arena levels and tetris friends names.
Arena / Semi-Pro Tetris.
May 05, 2011, 06:33:14 PM
Hey, if you have interest please post and I can make a bracket. Let's try to get up to eight people and we can do a bracket with best of seven matches until we have our champion. I am willing to send a certificate to the winner.