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Messages - PetitCrabe

Tetris / Tetris friends AI
March 19, 2011, 07:52:50 PM
? oh... they are actually A.I's... I thought they were like hackers of some sort... I feel stupid hahaha. On a side note, I've been playing a lot of tetris battle on facebook and I'm level 16-17 each rank 35 and I don't know how to unlock the next pieces box... I decided to use my 5 cash they gave me to unlock one, but I want all of them unlocked.. is there a way of doing this?
Introductions / Hello! A tetris addict here!
March 19, 2011, 10:51:23 AM
Hello! I've been playing tetris hardcore for a couple of months now! I started playing because Tetris is becoming incredibly popular at my university and around the same time I noticed that, I saw Flamewheel's ST-stack guide on right before christmas. I skimmed through the guide and my eyes were like O_O WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GAME HE'S PLAYING. After spending 2-3 weeks studying the guide(and failing my finals), I was doing some decent scores at tetris ultra. It is only now that I've decided to join the forum. Hello!