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Messages - soultrekker

Introductions / Introducing myself.
March 14, 2011, 06:22:19 PM
None taken. Yet, you did. . .

It were my first gaming recording as an experiment. Back in the day, before internet, nobody care about the score, and parents teach respect. Those were the days.

In youtube I simply won't allow comments (too many troubled youngsters this days). Here, this is not an option, so i quietly unpublished it. An opinion is like 2 arm pits. . . everybody is entitled to one, everybody have at least 2 and they smell like #expletive deleted#.

Besides im too old to take seriously an statement written by somebody im not familiar with. Not even an statement, many times a word ! (hehehehe). Or an acceptable acronym which hardly can be considered english.

Interesting post though. I been here for less than a day, an I have ppl apologizing to me already. Is only tetris. . . I wonder how can be MW2 or any mindless fps that are so popular nowadays.

Quote from: ohitsstef
whats your first language


Written or able to speak it?
Introductions / Introducing myself.
March 14, 2011, 02:55:38 PM
Hi mates !

I used to  play when i was a kid. My taste for tetris were kind of dormant for many years. . . but were resurrected because of the PSN iteration. So, hopefully with all the information availble online I can improve my game an meet more ppl, who share the same passion for this game.

See you around.


BTW. English is not my first language, so any mistake please let me know. Im always eager to learn from my own mishaps.