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Messages - Energy

General / Your ISP Speed Tests!
February 05, 2011, 10:42:03 PM

lol school internet! :o
Introductions / Finally decided to join the community
January 31, 2011, 08:36:31 PM
Quote from: Blink
Welcome Tony!  How good are you at Puyo Puyo?  Seems like a lot of Tetris fans also are Puyo Puyo fans.  I saw some puyo matches by one of the top players "live(ぷよぷよ)" that amazed me:

You'll need a nicovideo account to view the videos.

Hey blink. I'm alright at puyo puyo. Mainly as a kid I got good at it because I had kirby's avalanche (a.k.a the best game ever) lol. Not sure about all the technical stuff about the game but I can pull of high combos haha.
Do you play puyo puyo?

Quote from: Noogy
as a college student i can also relate!

where are you from?

Haha yea! College is such a pain though x_x
I currently go to UCSD...can't really find that much tetris players here...maybe cause I don't actively find any but I'm pretty sure some are lurking about because theres going to be a tetris tournament here lol
Introductions / Finally decided to join the community
January 31, 2011, 05:13:35 PM
Hey my name is Tony. And I am addicted to tetris.  
Haha not really but it's fun... got to do something for fun in college right?
I started playing tetris when I got my DS last year because I like competitive puzzle games. (Puyo Puyo anyone?!?)
Ehh I'm not that good but trying to get better, thats why I decided to join the HD community!
I hope to see/talk to you all!  

-Tony a.k.a Energy