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Messages - chuckdjewell

Tetris / EA Online on PS3 Tetris
January 16, 2011, 04:04:06 PM
I feel like a n00b asking this, but I can't find the answer anywhere, even after searching online, but how do I connect to EA online for the PS3 Tetris?

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Introductions / New!
January 10, 2011, 06:36:29 PM
I mainly play Tetris Party on the Wii.  Honestly, the reason I found this forum is because I was curious about the ps3 version of the game.  Other than that, I found Tetris Friends today, and have been having fun with that.  Does anyone have the new PS3 version?
Introductions / New!
January 10, 2011, 05:45:41 PM
Hey everyone!  I am new to Hard Drop, but NOT new to Tetris (or message boards, for that matter!).  My name is Chuck and I live in Kentucky, where I am pursuing a Master's in Music Education!  Just so there is no confusion, I go to Western Kentucky, not UK.  I just happen to be a long time UK basketball fan!