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Messages - ash_forte_

Arena / TTO Playoffs (PLAY ASAP!) + Prize photos
November 30, 2010, 09:09:41 PM

i literally just joined tetrisfriends to signup for the tournament

and now i just joined harddrop to explore possible reasons as to why i got paired with someone so high level in comparison

I was lead to believe that there would be some sort of tier system based on sprint times (which I had put on my tetrisfriends thing before I signed up), but I suppose not, considering, well:

My time is a very weak 1:29.
My opponent's time is 0:49.

I haven't played much of the multiplayer on tetrisfriends (I have done wifi on Tetris Party, though, along with a tiny bit of BB in preparation for this tournament) so my rank is low, yet my opponent's multiplayer ranks are all max (20)? Is this competition set such that high level players are automatically placed in situations where they can win quickly to speed along the tournament? Or am I the lowest level player (     ) facing the second lowest, or something?

It's all really confusing... and I don't want to just lose 15 matches in a row without any chance of actually beating my opponent! I entered for the shirt... Alexey Pajitnov is my idol.

Hopefully all of that setup study wasn't for naught, but seeing as my opponent has the MAX multiplayer rank, I'd assume that he/she knows all of them already, so...